Example code
Here are some example uses of the mqExecute call.
The example shown in figure Figure 1 creates a local queue (with a maximum message length of 100 bytes) on a queue manager:Figure 1. Using mqExecute to create a local queue
/* Create a bag for the data you want in your PCF message */
mqCreateBag(MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG, &hbagRequest)
/* Create a bag to be filled with the response from the command server */
mqCreateBag(MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG, &hbagResponse)
/* Create a queue */
/* Supply queue name */
mqAddString(hbagRequest, MQCA_Q_NAME, "QBERT")
/* Supply queue type */
mqAddString(hbagRequest, MQIA_Q_TYPE, MQQT_LOCAL)
/* Maximum message length is an optional parameter */
mqAddString(hbagRequest, MQIA_MAX_MSG_LENGTH, 100)
/* Ask the command server to create the queue */
mqExecute(MQCMD_CREATE_Q, hbagRequest, hbagResponse)
/* Tidy up memory allocated */
The example shown in figure Figure 2 inquires about all attributes of a particular queue. The mqAddInquiry call identifies all IBM MQ object attributes of a queue to be returned by the Inquire parameter on mqExecute.Figure 2. Using mqExecute to inquire about queue attributes
/* Create a bag for the data you want in your PCF message */
mqCreateBag(MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG, &hbagRequest)
/* Create a bag to be filled with the response from the command server */
mqCreateBag(MQCBO_ADMIN_BAG, &hbagResponse)
/* Inquire about a queue by supplying its name */
/* (other parameters are optional) */
mqAddString(hbagRequest, MQCA_Q_NAME, "QBERT")
/* Request the command server to inquire about the queue */
mqExecute(MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q, hbagRequest, hbagResponse)
/* If it worked, the attributes of the queue are returned */
/* in a system bag within the response bag */
mqInquireBag(hbagResponse, MQHA_BAG_HANDLE, 0, &hbagAttributes)
/* Inquire the name of the queue and its current depth */
mqInquireString(hbagAttributes, MQCA_Q_NAME, &stringAttribute)
mqInquireString(hbagAttributes, MQIA_CURRENT_Q_DEPTH, &integerAttribute)
/* Tidy up memory allocated */
Use mqExecute is the simplest way of administering IBM MQ, but lower-level calls, mqBagToBuffer and mqBufferToBag,
can be used. For more information about the use of these calls, see The IBM MQ Administration Interface (MQAI) .