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The mqAddInteger call adds an integer item identified by a user selector to the end of a specified bag.

Syntax for mqAddInteger

Parameters for mqAddInteger

Usage notes for mqAddInteger

  1. If a data item with the specified selector is already present in the bag, an additional instance of that selector is added to the end of the bag. The new instance is not necessarily next to the existing instance.
  2. This call cannot be used to add a system selector to a bag.

C language invocation for mqAddInteger

mqAddInteger (Bag, Selector, ItemValue, &CompCode, &Reason)
Declare the parameters as follows:
MQHBAG   Bag;       /* Bag handle */
MQLONG   Selector;  /* Selector */
MQLONG   ItemValue; /* Integer value */
MQLONG   CompCode;  /* Completion code */
MQLONG   Reason;    /* Reason code qualifying CompCode */

Visual Basic invocation for mqAddInteger

(Supported on Windows only.)

mqAddInteger Bag, Selector, ItemValue, CompCode, Reason
Declare the parameters as follows:
Dim Bag       As Long 'Bag handle'
Dim Selector  As Long 'Selector'
Dim ItemValue As Long 'Integer value'
Dim CompCode  As Long 'Completion code'
Dim Reason    As Long 'Reason code qualifying CompCode'