Use the MQSC command DISPLAY THREAD to display information about active and in-doubt threads.
Use MQSC commands
For information on how we use MQSC commands, see Performing local administration tasks using MQSC commands.
We can issue this command from sources 2CR. For an explanation of the source symbols, see Use commands on z/OSĀ®.

- 1 Valid only when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.
Usage notes
Threads shown as in doubt on one invocation of this command will probably be resolved for subsequent invocations.
This command is retained for compatibility with earlier release of IBM MQ . It has been superseded by the DISPLAY CONN command which is preferable to use.
Parameter descriptions for DISPLAY THREAD
- (connection-name)
List of one or more
connection-name s (of 1 through 8 characters each).
- For batch connections, this name is the batch job name
- For CICSĀ® connections, this name is the CICS applid
- For IMS connections, this name is the IMS job name
- For TSO connections, this name is the TSO user ID
- For RRS connections, this is RRSBATCH for all RRSBATCH-type connections, or the batch job name
Threads are selected from the address spaces associated with these connections only.
- (*)
- Displays threads associated with all connections to IBM MQ.
This parameter
specifies how the command runs when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.
- ' '
- The command runs on the queue manager on which it was entered. This is the default value.
- qmgr-name
- The command runs on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within
the queue sharing group.
We can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which the command was entered, only if you are using a queue sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled.
- *
- The command runs on the local queue manager and is also passed to every active queue manager in the queue sharing group. The effect of this is the same as entering the command on every queue manager in the queue sharing group.
The type of thread to
display. This parameter is optional.
- Display only active threads.
An active thread is one for which a unit of recovery has started but not completed. Resources are held in IBM MQ on its behalf.
This is the default if TYPE is omitted.
- Display only in-doubt threads.
An in-doubt thread is one that is in the second phase of the two-phase commit operation. Resources are held in IBM MQ on its behalf. External intervention is needed to resolve the status of in-doubt threads. You might only have to start the recovery coordinator ( CICS, IMS, or RRS), or you might need to do more. They might have been in doubt at the last restart, or they might have become in doubt since the last restart.
- Display a summary of active threads for each active connection. Note: Threads used internally by IBM MQ are excluded.
- *
- Display both active and in-doubt threads, but not regions.
If, during command processing, an active thread becomes in doubt, it might appear twice: once as active and once as in doubt.
Specifies that
IBM MQ should check whether the designated queue manager
is INACTIVE, and if so, report any shared units of work that were in progress on the designated and
inactive queue manager.
This option is valid only for TYPE(INDOUBT).
For more information about the DISPLAY THREAD command and in-doubt recovery, see Recovering units of recovery on another queue manager in the queue sharing group. Also, see messages CSQV401I through CSQV406I, and CSQV432I, in Agent services messages (CSQV...).