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Work with MQ Topics (WRKMQMTOP)

The Work with MQ Topics (WRKMQMTOP) command allows you to work with multiple topic objects that are defined on the local queue manager. This enables you to copy, change, display, delete, display authority, edit authority, record and recover an MQ topic object.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
TOPNAME Topic name Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 1
MQMNAME Message Queue Manager name Character value, *DFT Optional, Positional 2
WHERE Filter command Single values: *NONE Other values: Element list Optional, Positional 3
Element 2: Filter operator *GT, *LT, *EQ, *NE, *GE, *LE, *LK, *NL, *CT, *EX, *CTG, *EXG
Element 3: Filter value Character value

Topic name (TOPNAME)

Specifies the name or names of the topic objects.

The possible values are:

Message Queue Manager name (MQMNAME)

Specifies the name of the Queue Manager.

The possible values are:

Filter command (WHERE)

This parameter can be used to selectively display only those topices with particular topic attributes.

The parameter takes three arguments, a keyword, an operator and a value.

Generic strings are allowed for values which are names.

The operator can take one of the following values:

The keyword can take one of the following values:



Error messages
