What's changed in Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 9
IBM MQ Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 9 includes a resource change.
- Enabling dynamic tracing of LDAP client library code shipped with IBM MQ
- Change to authorities needed for XMS .NET to query the BackoutThreshold and BackoutRequeueQName of a cluster queue
- Queue file size limit
- Change to exception messages for failed managed transfer requests that require a new directory to be created on an SFTP file server
- Change to inquiries used by dmpmqcfg command
Enabling dynamic tracing of LDAP client library code shipped with IBM MQ
Before Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 9, it was not possible to switch the LDAP client trace on and off without also stopping or starting the queue manager.
From Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 9, we can switch LDAP client trace on with the strmqtrc command and off with the endmqtrc command without needing to stop or start the queue manager. To enable this behavior, it is also necessary to set an environment variable AMQ_LDAP_TRACE to a non-null value. For more information, see Enabling dynamic tracing of LDAP client library code.
Change to authorities needed for XMS .NET to query the BackoutThreshold and BackoutRequeueQName of a cluster queue
From Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 9, the XMS .NET client has been updated so that only inquire access is required to query the BackoutThreshold and BackoutRequeueQName of a cluster queue. For more information, see Open options for cluster queues in Poison messages in XMS.
Queue file size limit
From Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 9, the queue manager limits the maximum queue file size to 2 TB by default.
Change to exception messages for failed managed transfer requests that require a new directory to be created on an SFTP file server
Managed File Transfer protocol bridge agents use the third-party JSch library to communicate with file servers using the SFTP protocol. If the protocol bridge agent attempts to transfer a file into a directory that does not exist on a file server and JSch is unable to perform the requested SFTP operation to create that directory, because the user that the protocol bridge agent logs into the file server with does not have permission to do so, JSch throws an exception back to the protocol bridge agent. The protocol bridge agent then marks the managed transfer as "Failed" and generates a supplementary message.
From Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 9, if the JSch exception does not contain any more information about the failure, the protocol bridge agent generates the following supplementary message:BFGTR0072E: The transfer failed to complete due to the exception: BFGBR0209E: Bridge agent was unable to create directory directory nameFor more information, see Transferring files to or from protocol bridge agents.
Change to inquiries used by dmpmqcfg command
From Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 9, the inquiries used by the dmpmqcfg command inquire only QSGDISP(QMGR) definitions by default. We can inquire additional definitions by using the environment variable AMQ_DMPMQCFG_QSGDISP_DEFAULT. For more information, see dmpmqcfg.