What's changed in Version 9.0.3

Changes to functions and resources in IBM MQ Version 9.0.3 are described in this section. Review these changes before upgrading queue managers to the latest product version and decide whether you must plan to make changes to existing applications, scripts, and procedures before starting to migrate your systems.

For additional information about system requirements for Version 9.0, see the System Requirements for IBM MQ Version 9.0 web page. We can use the Software Product Compatibility Reports (SPCR) tool to find information on supported operating systems, system requirements, prerequisites, and optional supported software. The web page includes more information about the SPCR tool and links to reports for each supported platform.

Sample configuration file for IBM MQ classes for Java

From Version 9.0.3, a sample configuration file, mqjava.config, is supplied in the bin subdirectory of the IBM MQ classes for Java installation directory. For more information, see The IBM MQ classes for Java configuration file.

Changes to the strmqm command

From Version 9.0.3, the security of data path/log/qm, on UNIX, has been changed from 2775 to 2770.

Error log enhancements

From Version 9.0.3, when IBM MQ processes write a message to an error log, the message time in ISO 8601 format, in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), is included as a Time() attribute.

For more information, see Use error logs.

Change to behavior of Managed File Transfer fteCleanAgent command

From Version 9.0.3, the fteCleanAgent command has been updated so that you must specify which Managed File Transfer state to clear by passing the appropriate parameters to the command, as well as providing an agent name. This change in behavior ensures that, by default, fteCleanAgent does not clear all in-progress and pending transfers, resource monitor definitions and scheduled transfer definitions for the agent specified.

If required, we can revert to the previous behavior of fteCleanAgent by setting the new failCleanAgentWithNoArguments property in the command.properties file to false.

For more information, see fteCleanAgent (cleans up a Managed File Transfer Agent) and The command.properties file.

Corrected behavior for messagePublicationFormat=mixed in the Managed File Transfer installation properties

The messagePublicationFormat property was added to the installation.properties file at Version 9.0.2. In that version, when you specified messagePublicationFormat=mixed, the effect was the same as specifying messagePublicationFormat=MQFMT_NONE. The error is fixed in Version 9.0.3. For more information, see The installation.properties file.

Enabling MQCSP authentication in Managed File Transfer

From Version 9.0.3, we can disable the default compatibility mode and enable MQCSP authentication for connection authentication for:

  • A Managed File Transfer agent connecting to a coordination queue manager, or command queue manager.
  • The IBM MQ Explorer MFT Plugin connecting to a coordination queue manager or command queue manager.

For more information, see Enabling MQCSP authentication mode.

Client reason code

From Version 9.0.3, where multiple client connection attempts are made, for example with a channel with a comma separated connection name and the connection sequence fails, reason codes other than MQRC_HOST_NOT_AVAILABLE and MQRC_STANDBY_Q_MGR are given priority when being returned to an application. In previous versions the last reason code encountered in the connection sequence is always returned, this could lead to configuration errors such as MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED encountered earlier in the connection attempt to not be returned to the application.