Managed queues and publish/subscribe
When you create a subscription we can choose to use managed queuing. If we use managed queuing a subscription queue is automatically created when you create a subscription. Managed queues are tidied up automatically in accordance with the durability of the subscription. Using managed queues means that we do not have to worry about creating queues to receive publications and any unconsumed publications are removed from subscriber queues automatically if a non-durable subscription connection is closed.
If an application has no need to use a particular queue as its subscriber queue, the destination for the publications it receives, it can make use of managed subscriptions using the MQSO_MANAGED subscription option. If you create a managed subscription, the queue manager returns an object handle to the subscriber for a subscriber queue that the queue manager creates where publications will be received. The queue's object handle will be returned allowing you to browse, get or inquire on the queue (it is not possible to put to or set attributes of a managed queue unless we have been explicitly given access to temporary dynamic queues).
The durability of the subscription determines whether the managed queue remains when the subscribing application's connection to the queue manager is broken.
Managed subscriptions are particularly useful when used with non-durable subscriptions because when the application's connection is ended, unconsumed messages would otherwise remain on the subscriber queue taking up space in your queue manager indefinitely. If you are using a managed subscription, the managed queue will be a temporary dynamic queue and as such will be deleted along with any unconsumed messages when the connection is broken for any of the following reasons:- MQCLOSE with MQCO_REMOVE_SUB is used and the managed Hobj is closed.
- a connection is lost to an application using a non-durable subscription (MQSO_NON_DURABLE).
- a subscription is removed because it has expired and the managed Hobj is closed.
Managed subscriptions can also be used with durable subscriptions but it is possible that you would want to leave unconsumed messages on the subscriber queue so that they can be retrieved when the connection is reopened. For this reason, managed queues for durable subscriptions take the form of a permanent dynamic queue and will remain when the subscribing application's connection to the queue manager is broken.
We can set an expiry on your subscription if you want to use a permanent dynamic managed queue so that although the queue will still exist after the connection is broken, it will not continue to exist indefinitely.
If you delete the managed queue you will receive an error message.
The managed queues that are created are named with numbers at the end (timestamps) so that each is unique.