Telemetry channels
Create telemetry channels to create connections with different properties, such as Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) or TLS authentication, or to manage groups of clients.
Create Telemetry channels using the New Telemetry Channel wizard, supplied in the MQ Telemetryfunction for IBM MQ Explorer. Configure a channel, using the wizard, to accept connections from MQTT clients on a particular TCP/IP port. Since Version 7.1, we can configure MQ Telemetry using the command line program, runmqsc.
Create multiple telemetry channels, on different ports, to make large numbers of client connections easier to manage, by splitting the clients into groups. Each telemetry channel has a different name.
We can configure telemetry channels with different security attributes to create different types of connection. Create multiple channels to accept client connections on different TCP/IP addresses. Use TLS to encrypt messages and authenticate the telemetry channel and client; see TLS configuration of MQTT clients and telemetry channels. Specify the user ID to simplify authorizing access to IBM MQ objects. Specify a JAAS configuration to authenticate the MQTT user with JAAS; see MQTT client identification, authorization, and authentication.