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Adapter tasks

Example data for the adapter tasks, and information about how to interpret the data.

Example data

Task, Type, Requests, Busy %,  CPU used, CPU %, "avg CPU", "avg ET"
    ,     ,         ,       ,   Seconds,      ,  uSeconds, uSeconds
   0, ADAP,   470297,   10.2, 41.290670,   4.6,        88,      194
   1, ADAP,    13907,    0.6,  1.589428,   0.2,       114,      365
   2, ADAP,     2517,    0.2,  0.185325,   0.0,        74,      746
   3, ADAP,     1095,    0.1,  0.085774,   0.0,        78,      907
   4, ADAP,      535,    0.1,  0.040743,   0.0,        76,      947
   5, ADAP,      220,    0.0,  0.016228,   0.0,        74,     1175
   6, ADAP,       82,    0.0,  0.005521,   0.0,        67,     1786
   7, ADAP,       80,    0.0,  0.004248,   0.0,        53,     1160
Summ, ADAP,   488733,    1.4, 43.217938,   0.6,        88,      205
The fields are calculated from:

This example shows that there were eight adapter tasks.

The adapters process IBM MQ requests. Some of these requests might wait, for example, for log I/O during a commit, so the average Elapsed Time per request has little meaning.

When an IBM MQ request is made the first free adapter task is used.

We can use the ALTER QMGR CHIADAPS() command to change the number of adapters used. Any changes come into effect the next time the CHINIT is started. Attention: If there are too many adapters acting on a small set of queues, you might get contention within the queue manager.