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Meaning of the channel names

Use this topic as a reference to the meaning of channel names.

The channel name in the WTID is constructed as shown in the following example. In this example a sender channel exists from queue manager QM1 to queue manager QM2.

Table 1. Meaning of channel names
Field name Meaning Example
For queue manager QM1 the sender channel has the following fields set:
WTIDCCN The job name QM1CHIN
WTIDCHL The channel name QM1.QM2
WTIDCHLC This is defined in the CONNAME of the channel WINMVS2B(2162)
For queue manager QM2 the receiver channel has the following fields set:
WTIDCCN The job name QM2CHIN
WTIDCHL The channel name QM1.QM2
WTIDCHLC Where the channel came from