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Topic manager data records

Use this topic as a reference to the format of the topic manager data records.

The format of the Topic manager statistics record is described in the following table and in assembler macro thlqual.SCSQMACS(CSQDQTST) and C header file thlqual.SCSQC370(CSQDSMFC). The field names in C are all in lowercase, for example qtst, qtstid.

Table 1. Topic manager statistics record (QTST)
Offset: Dec Offset: Hex Type Len Name Description
0 0 Structure 96 QTST Topic manager statistics
0 0 Bitstring 2 QTSTID Control block identifier
2 2 Integer 2 QTSTLL Control block length
4 4 Character 4 TESTEYEC Control block eye catcher
8 8 Character 88 QTSTZERO QTST part cleared on occasion
8 8 Integer 4 QTSTSTOT Total subscription requests
12 0C Integer 4 QTSTSDUR Durable subscription requests
16 10 Integer 4 QTSTSHIG (1:3) Subscription high water mark array (API, ADMIN, PROXY)
28 1C Integer 4 QTSTSLOW (1:3) Subscription low water mark array (API, ADMIN, PROXY)
40 28 Integer 4 QTSTSEXP Subscriptions expired
44 2C Integer 4 QTSTTMSG Total messages put to Sub queue
48 30 Integer 4 QTSTSPHW Single publish subscriber high water mark
52 34 Integer 4 QTSTPTOT (1:3) Total Publication requests (API, ADMIN, PROXY)
64 40 Integer 4 QTSTPTHI Total publish high water mark
68 44 Integer 4 QTSTPTLO Total publish low water mark
72 48 Integer 4 QTSTPNOS Count of publishes to no subscriber
76 4C Integer 4 * Reserved
80 50 Bitstring 8 QTSTETHW Elapse time HW on publish
88 58 Bitstring 8 QTSTETTO Elapse time total on publish