Use this topic to understand some example SMF records.
Figure 1 shows an example of part of the SMF record for subtype 1. Subtype 1 includes the storage manager and log manager statistics records. The SMF record header is shown underlined.
The self-defining section at offset X'64' refers to storage manager statistics and the self-defining section at offset X'74' refers to log manager statistics, both shown in bold.
The storage manager statistics record is located at offset X'0000011C' from the start of the header and is X'48' bytes long. There is one set of storage manager statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QSST. The start of this statistics record is also shown in the example.
The log manager statistics record is located at offset X'00000164' from the start of the header and is X'78' bytes long. There is one set of log manager statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QJST.
Figure 2 shows an example of part of the SMF record for subtype 2. Subtype 2 includes the statistics records for the message, data, lock, coupling facility, topic, and Db2® managers. The SMF record header is shown underlined; the self-defining sections are shown alternately bold and italic.
The self-defining section at offset X'24' refers to message manager statistics. The message manager statistics record is located at offset X'00000064' from the start of the header and is X'48' bytes long. There is one set of these statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QMST.
The self-defining section at offset X'2C' refers to data manager statistics. The data manager statistics record is located at offset X'000000AC' from the start of the header and is X'50' bytes long. There is one set of these statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QIST.
The self-defining section at offset X'34' refers to buffer manager statistics. As this SMF record was taken from a queue manager that has OPMODE(NEWFUNC,800) set in its system parameters, the buffer manager self-defining section is set to zeros to indicate that there are no buffer manager statistics. Instead, these statistics are in SMF 115 subtype 215 records.
The self-defining section at offset X'3C' refers to lock manager statistics. The lock manager statistics record is located at offset X'000000FC' from the start of the header and is X'20' bytes long. There is one set of these statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QLST.
The self-defining section at offset X'44' refers to Db2 manager statistics. The Db2 manager statistics record is located at offset X'0000011C' from the start of the header and is X'2A0' bytes long. There is one set of these statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string Q5ST.
The self-defining section at offset X'4C' refers to coupling facility manager statistics. The coupling facility manager statistics record is located at offset X'000003BC' from the start of the header and is X'1008' bytes long. There is one set of these statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QEST.
The self-defining section at offset X'54' refers to topic manager statistics. The topic manager statistics record is located at offset X'000013C4' from the start of the header and is X'64' bytes long. There is one set of these statistics, identified by the eye-catcher string QTST.
The self-defining section at offset X'5C' is for SMDS statistics. This self defining section is set to zeros indicating that SMDS is not being used.