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Use other products with IBM MQ

We can use other products to help you to improve the presentation of, or to augment statistics related to, performance and accounting. For example, Resource Measurement Facility, Tivoli Decision Support, and CICS® monitoring.

Use the Resource Measurement Facility

Resource Measurement Facility ( RMF ) is an IBM® licensed program (program number 5685-029) that provides system-wide information about processor utilization, I/O activity, storage, and paging. We can use RMF to monitor the utilization of physical resources across the whole system dynamically. For more information, see the MVS Resource Measurement Facility User's Guide.

Use Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS

We can use Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS® to interpret RMF and SMF records.

Tivoli Decision Support for z/OS is an IBM licensed program (program number 5698-B06) that enables you to manage the performance of your system by collecting performance data in a Db2® database and presenting the data in various formats for use in systems management. Tivoli Decision Support for can generate graphic and tabular reports using systems management data it stores in its Db2 database. It includes an administration dialog, a reporting dialog, and a log collector, all of which interact with a standard Db2 database.

This is described in the Tivoli Decision Support Administrator's Guide.

Use the CICS monitoring facility

The CICS monitoring facility provides performance information about each CICS transaction running. It can be used to investigate the resources used and the time spent processing transactions. For background information, see the CICS Performance Guide and the CICS Customization Guide.