Recorded activity information

Use this page to specify the method used to return recorded activity information, which we can then use to determine the route that a trace-route message has taken

Recorded activity information can be returned as follows:

  • In activity reports
  • In a trace-route reply message
  • In the trace-route message itself (having been put on the target queue)
When using dspmqrte, the method used to return recorded activity information is determined using the following parameters:

    -ro activity
    Specifies that activity information is returned using activity reports. By default activity recording is enabled.
    -ac -ar
    Specifies that activity information is accumulated in the trace-route message, and that a trace-route reply message is to be generated.

      Specifies that activity information is to be accumulated within the trace-route message.

      If we do not specify this parameter, activity information is not accumulated within the trace-route message.

      Requests that a trace-route reply message containing all accumulated activity information is generated in the following circumstances:

      • The trace-route message is discarded by an IBM MQ queue manager.
      • The trace-route message is put to a local queue (target queue or dead-letter queue) by an IBM MQ queue manager.
      • The number of activities performed on the trace-route message exceeds the value of specified in -s Activities.

    -ac -d yes
    Specifies that activity information is accumulated in the trace-route message, and that on arrival, the trace-route message will be put on the target queue.

      Specifies that activity information is to be accumulated within the trace-route message.

      If we do not specify this parameter, activity information is not accumulated within the trace-route message.

      -d yes
      On arrival, the trace-route message is put to the target queue, even if the queue manager does not support trace-route messaging.

      If we do not specify this parameter, the trace-route message is not put to the target queue.

    The trace-route message can then be retrieved from the target queue, and the recorded activity information acquired.

We can combine these methods as required. Additionally, the detail level of the recorded activity information can be specified using the following parameter:

    -t Detail
    Specifies the activities that are recorded. The possible values for Detail are:

      Activities performed by user-defined application are recorded only.

      Activities specified in low are recorded. Additionally, publish activities and activities performed by MCAs are recorded.

      Activities specified in low, and medium are recorded. MCAs do not expose any further activity information at this level of detail. This option is available to user-defined applications that are to expose further activity information only. For example, if a user-defined application determines the route a message takes by considering certain message characteristics, the routing logic could be included with this level of detail.

    If we do not specify this parameter, medium level activities are recorded.

By default the IBM MQ display route application uses a temporary dynamic queue to store the returned messages. When the IBM MQ display route application ends, the temporary dynamic queue is closed, and any messages are purged. If the returned messages are required beyond the current execution of the IBM MQ display route application ends, then a permanent queue must be specified using the following parameters:

    -rq ReplyToQ
    Specifies the name of the reply-to queue that all responses to the trace-route message are sent to. If the trace-route message is persistent, or if the -n parameter is specified, a reply-to queue must be specified that is not a temporary dynamic queue.

    If we do not specify this parameter then a dynamic reply-to queue is created using the system default model queue, SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE.

    -rqm ReplyToQMgr
    Specifies the name of the queue manager where the reply-to queue resides. The name can contain up to 48 characters.

    If we do not specify this parameter, the queue manager to which the IBM MQ display route application is connected is used as the reply-to queue manager.