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Acquiring information from trace-route messages

To acquire activity information you locate the trace-route message, which must have the appropriate parameters in the TraceRoute PCF group. Then you retrieve the message and analyze the activity information.

About this task

We can acquire activity information from a trace-route message only if you know the location of the trace-route message and it has the parameter Accumulate in the TraceRoute PCF group specified as either MQROUTE_ACCUMULATE_IN_MSG or MQROUTE_ACCUMULATE_AND_REPLY.

For the trace-route message to be delivered to the target queue the Deliver parameter in the TraceRoute PCF group must be specified as MQROUTE_DELIVER_YES.


  1. Check the target queue. If the trace-route message is not on the target queue, we can try to locate the trace-route message using a trace-route message enabled for activity recording. With the generated activity reports try to determine the last known location of the trace-route message.
  2. Retrieve the trace-route message
  3. Use the IBM MQ display route application to display the recorded activity information
  4. Study the activity information and obtain the information that you need