Acquiring information from trace-route reply messages
To acquire activity information you locate the trace-route reply message. Then you retrieve the message and analyze the activity information.
We can acquire activity information from a trace-route reply message only if you know the location of the trace-route reply message. Locate the message and process the activity information as follows:
Check the reply-to queue that was specified in the message descriptor of the trace-route message. If the trace-route reply message is not on the reply-to queue, check the following locations:
- The local system queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ROUTE.QUEUE, on the target queue manager of the trace-route message
- The common queue, if we have set up a common queue for trace-route reply messages
- The local system queue, SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ROUTE.QUEUE, on any other queue manager in the queue manager network, which can occur if the trace-route message has been put to a dead-letter queue, or the maximum number of activities was exceeded
- Retrieve the trace-route reply message
- Use the IBM MQ display route application to display the recorded activity information
- Study the activity information and obtain the information that you need