Message monitoring is the process of identifying the route a message has taken through a queue manager network. By identifying the types of activities, and the sequence of activities performed on behalf of a message, the message route can be determined.
As a message passes through a queue manager network, various processes perform activities on behalf of the message. Use one of the following techniques to determine a message route:
The IBM MQ display route application (dspmqrte)
Activity recording
Trace-route messaging
These techniques all generate special messages that contain information about the activities performed on the message as it passed through a queue manager network. Use the information returned in these special messages to achieve the following objectives:
Record message activity.
Determine the last known location of a message.
Detect routing problems in your queue manager network.
Assist in determining the causes of routing problems in your queue manager network.
Confirm that your queue manager network is running correctly.
Familiarize yourself with the running of your queue manager network.