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Creating subscriptions to application activity trace

We can create subscriptions to specific topics to collect application activity trace data on IBM MQ Version 9.0.

When a subscription is created against specific system topic strings, appropriate activity trace PCF data messages are automatically published to that subscription. For detailed information on subscribing to topics, see Publish/subscribe messaging.

The topic strings have the format:

To subscribe to these topic strings, you must have subscribe authorization. System topics do not inherit authorizations from the root of the queue manager topic tree. A user must be granted access to an administered topic object at or deeper than the $SYS/MQ point in the topic tree. You can subscribe if we have access to the SYSTEM.ADMIN.TOPIC, although this grants access to all $SYS/MQ topic strings, not just the activity trace. To control access more specifically, new administered topic objects can be defined for deeper points in the tree, either for all activity trace or, for example, for a specific application name or channel name.


The following example shows a topic string for an application that is named amqsput running on a Windows system:
The following example shows a topic string for a channel:
The following example shows a topic string for a connection:
The following example shows a topic string that creates a subscription to trace data for all channels on queue manager QMGR1:
The following example shows a topic string that creates a subscription to trace data for applications with names that start with amqs (note that to use the * wildcard, the subscription must be created using the character wildcard model):