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Subscriptions to application activity trace

We can subscribe to an IBM MQ system topic to collect application activity trace information.

You subscribe to a special IBM MQ system topic string that represents the activity to trace. Subscribing automatically generates activity trace data messages and publishes them to the subscription destination queue. If you delete the subscription, the generation of activity trace data stops for that subscription.

A subscription can trace activity on one of the following resources:

We can create multiple subscriptions, with different, or the same topic strings. Where you create multiple subscriptions with the same system activity trace topic strings, each subscription receives a copy of the activity trace data, and this might have adverse performance implications.

Enabling any level of activity trace might have adverse performance effects. The more subscriptions, or the more resources subscribed to, the greater the potential performance overhead. To minimize the overhead of collecting activity trace, the data is written to messages and delivered to the subscriptions asynchronously from the application activity itself. Often, multiple operations are written to a single activity trace data message. The asynchronous operation can introduce a delay between the application operation and the receipt of the trace data that records the operation.