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Program and data directory locations on Windows

The installation location for IBM MQ program binary and data files on Windows depends on the IBM MQ version you are installing and whether this is the first time IBM MQ is being installed.

First-time installations

When you install IBM MQ for the first time, we can accept default installation locations. We can also select the custom installation option by choosing the location for the IBM MQ binary files and the location for the IBM MQ data and logs.

Before Version 8.0, if the default option was chosen, both the IBM MQ program binary and the data files were installed in the same directory. From Version 8.0, the default location for the program binary files is different from the default location for the data files.

Table 1. Default program and data directory locations on different versions of IBM MQ on Windows
IBM MQ Version IBM MQ program binary files installation location IBM MQ data files location
IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.1, Version 7.1, and Version 7.5 Program and data files are in one location: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ
IBM MQ Version 8.0 C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ
IBM MQ Version 9.0 C:\Program Files\IBM\MQ C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ

Subsequent installations and reinstallations

After the data directory is specified, during the installation process of any installation, it cannot be changed for subsequent installations. IBM MQ is only installed as a 64-bit version when it is installed on a 64-bit operating system.

For Version 9.0, the default data directory is C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ, unless a version of the product was previously installed, in which case the new installation continues to use the existing data directory.

Existing IBM MQ Version 8.0 installation

Three upgrade paths are possible:

When Version 8.0 is installed, the product binary files are put by default into C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ and the product data and logs are put by default into C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQ.

When you uninstall Version 8.0, information about the location of the data directory is left in the registry. After uninstalling Version 8.0 and before installing Version 9.0, we can run the ResetMQ.cmd script to tidy up files and data left behind by the uninstallation process. Important: You should use this script with caution. ResetMQ.cmd can remove the existing queue manager configuration. For more information, see Clearing IBM MQ installation settings.

Existing IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 or Version 7.1 installation

Three upgrade paths are possible:

When Version 7.5 or Version 7.1 is installed, both the program binary files and data are installed by default into C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ.

When you uninstall Version 7.5 or Version 7.1, information about the location of the data directory is left in the registry.

Existing IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.1 installation

If you are migrating to Version 9.0 from Version 7.0.1, you must first migrate to an interim version. See Migration paths.

For Version 7.0.1, the interim version we use can only be Version 8.0. For information about specifying program and data directories when upgrading to Version 8.0, see Windows: Program and data directory locations in the Version 8.0 product documentation.