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Restoring a queue manager to a previous release on IBM i

On IBM® i, we can restore a queue manager to the previous version of the product from the latest version, if we have made a backup of the system or queue manager. If we have started the queue manager and processed any messages, or changed the configuration, the task cannot give you any guidance on restoring the current state of the queue manager.

Before you begin

  1. You must have made a backup of the system or queue manager before you upgraded to the later version. For more information see Backing up and restoring IBM MQ queue manager data
  2. If any messages were processed after starting the queue manager, we cannot easily undo the effects of processing the messages. We cannot revert the queue manager to the earlier version of the product in its current state. The task cannot give you any guidance how to deal with subsequent changes that have occurred. For example, messages that were indoubt in a channel, or in a transmission queue on another queue manager, might have been processed. If the queue manager is part of a cluster, then configuration messages and application messages might have been exchanged.

About this task

When you revert to a earlier version of a queue manager, you revert the queue manager to its earlier code level. Queue manager data is reverted to the state it was in when the queue manager was backed up.


  1. Stop the queue manager.
  2. If you performed a slip installation, you must reinstall IBM MQ.
    1. Uninstall the earlier installation.
    2. Reinstall the product from a manufacturing refresh.
    3. Apply the fix pack and interim fixes that restore IBM MQ to its previous level.
    4. Restore the queue manager data from the backup taken before installing the later version.
  3. Restart the earlier version queue manager.