Post installation tasks for IBM i
Tasks to perform after we have installed IBM MQ for IBM i, and before using it.
About this task
When we have correctly installed IBM MQ for IBM i on your system:Procedure
- For the latest product information for IBM i, see System requirements for IBM MQ .
- To install and apply all fix packs, see Apply maintenance level updates on IBM i.
- Where we have more than one system and a mixture of releases of OS/400 or IBM i, and IBM MQ, you must take care when compiling CL programs. You must compile CL programs either on the system they are to run on, or on one with an identical combination of releases of OS/400 or IBM i, and IBM MQ. When you install later versions of IBM MQ, delete all IBM MQ commands from previous releases in any QSYSVvRrMm libraries using the QSYS/DLTCMD command.
If we have not installed IBM MQ on your system before, you must add user profiles to the QMQMADM group profile. Make all user profiles that are to be used for creating and administering queue managers members of the QMQMADM group profile, using the command CHGUSRPRF.
Start the IBM MQ subsystem, by issuing the command:
Note: The subsystem must be started after each IPL of the system, so you might choose to start it as part of your system startup process.
Start the IBM MQ subsystem, by issuing the command:
Create the system-default objects. The system-default objects are created automatically when you issue the CRTMQM command to create a queue manager. For example: CRTMQM MQMNAME(QMGRNAME) ASP(*SYSTEM). We can refresh them using the STRMQM command (Warning: this command will replace any existing default objects). For example: STRMQM MQMNAME(QMGRNAME) RDEFSYS(*YES). Refer to the onscreen help for information about using this command.
- The command does not re-create the objects, it performs a CRTxxxx REPLACE(*YES) for all of the SYSTEM.* objects.
- This means that it refreshes the parameters on the objects back to their defaults. So if, for example, on the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE object, TRGENBL had previously been changed to *YES, then, when the command is run, it is changed back to TRGENBL(*NO).
- If any messages exist on a queue, they are left intact, because the queues are not physically deleted.
- The contents of the SYSTEM.AUTH.DATA.QUEUE are untouched when this command is run.
- So, if the contents of this (or any other significant queue) become corrupt, it must be physically deleted and re-created either from scratch, or from a backup.
You are now ready to start using IBM MQ for IBM i. Note: When you install IBM MQ for IBM i, two user profiles are created:- QMQM
If you uninstall IBM MQ and data, these profiles are deleted. If you uninstall IBM MQ only, these profiles are retained.