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Uninstalling IBM MQ MQI client for IBM i

If the IBM MQ MQI client for IBM i must be uninstalled, follow the correct procedure to ensure that all the relevant directories and files are removed.


  1. Make sure you are signed on to the system with a user profile that has *ALLOBJ special authority, for example QSECOFR.
  2. Use the Delete Licensed Program ( DLTLICPGM ) command to delete the IBM MQ MQI client for IBM i product (and also the samples if you chose to install them): To delete only the samples, issue the command
    To delete IBM MQ MQI client and the samples, issue the command:


Delete IBM MQ MQI client for IBM i deletes the objects that belong to it - the QMQM library, and the subdirectories that belong to IBM MQ MQI client for IBM i within the /QIBM/ProdData/mqm directory. If that leaves no other subdirectories (for example if the IBM MQ Java Client for IBM i is installed it uses subdirectories there) then the /QIBM/ProdData/mqm directory itself is deleted.