Viewing test results

We can view test results in the Test Results view, which shows the results of the last test configuration run. We can filter or sort the test results that are displayed in the Test Results view.

The first time that you run tests against objects in IBM MQ Explorer, the Test Results view opens.

If you close the Test Results view, it reopens the next time you run a test. The view can be reopened manually at any time by clicking Window > Show View > MQ Explorer - Test Results.

Each row in the Test Results view represents a single test result. One test can generate one or more test results. To get more information about a test result, double-click the result. A new window opens to provide a brief explanation of why the test result was generated and whether you must take action.

The Test Results view always shows the test results of the last test configuration run. If you rerun an individual test, the original results of that test are replaced by the new results (or by nothing at all if the problems were resolved) but the rest of the original test results are retained.

Click Export Results to save test results to a log file.

We can filter and sort the test results to make it easier to find the information that you need. For more information see Filtering test results in the Test Results view and Sorting test results in the Test Results view.