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Viewing a list of registered publishers

We can view a list of applications that are registered to publish on topics on a broker, or a list of applications that are registered to publish on a specific topic.

Before you begin

Note: This information is for IBM® WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 queue managers only. Before you start:

About this task

To view a list of registered publishers:


  1. In the Navigator view, expand the queue manager that hosts the broker to register with as a publisher, then click the Topics folder. The existing topics on the broker are shown in the Content view.
  2. Request a list of registered publishers:

    • If you want to view all the applications that are registered to publish on a specific topic, right-click the topic, then click Registered Publishers...
    • If you want to view all the applications that are registered to publish on a topic on the broker, right-click the Topics folder, then click View Registered Publishers...


The Registered Publishers dialog opens, listing details of the applications, including the user name under which the application is running, that are registered as publishers.