Refreshing ESM classes (z/OS only)
IBM MQ for z/OS® does not perform any authority checks itself; instead, it routes requests for authority checks to an external security manager (ESM).
The IBM MQ product documentation assumes that you are using the z/OS Security Server Resource Access Control Facility (RACF®) as the ESM.
So that IBM MQ does not have to contact RACF for every authority check, IBM MQ puts information about the user and the user's authorities in a cache. When you add, delete, or change a RACF resource profile that is held in one of the following classes:- MQADMIN
For more information, see Script (MQSC) Commands and Introduction to Programmable Command Formats in the IBM MQ online product documentation.
To refresh z/OS classes:
- In the Navigator view, right-click the queue manager for which you want to refresh the classes, then, to refresh all of the classes, click Security > Refresh ESM Classes > ALL. Alternatively, instead of clicking ALL, click the type of class to refresh:
- When prompted, click Yes.
The classes that you selected are refreshed: the profiles are deleted from the in-storage table and must be retrieved directly from RACF next time they are needed.