Delete a subcontext
When you delete a subcontext in IBM MQ Explorer, the subcontext no longer exists in the JNDI namespace.
About this task
We cannot delete a subcontext that contains administered objects; you must first delete from the subcontext all of the connection factories, destinations, and subcontexts in the subcontext.
Important: Before you delete a subcontext, make sure that none of your JMS client applications need any of the administered objects in subcontext. After you delete the subcontext, any JMS client applications that do still need these administered objects that were previously in the subcontext will no longer work properly.To delete a subcontext, complete the following steps.
- Delete from the subcontext any objects that are stored in the subcontext, including IBM MQ classes for JMS connection factories and destinations, other subcontexts, and any other objects that are shown in the Content view of the initial context.
- Refresh the Content view of the subcontext so that IBM MQ Explorer has up-to-date information about the content of the JNDI namespace.
- In the Navigator view, right-click the subcontext, then click Delete... If the Delete... menu item is not available, there are still objects in the subcontext; the objects might not be displayed in IBM MQ Explorer; refresh the Content view to ensure that IBM MQ Explorer has up-to-date information about the content of the JNDI namespace.
- When you are prompted, click Delete to confirm that you want to delete the subcontext.
The subcontext is deleted from the JNDI namespace as well as from IBM MQ Explorer.