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Topic status attributes

The status attributes of topics.

For each attribute, there is a brief description of what information the attribute shows. The table also gives the equivalent MQSC parameter for the DISPLAY TPSTATUS command. For more information about MQSC commands, see Script (MQSC) Commands in the IBM MQ online product documentation.

Attribute Meaning MQSC parameter
Topic String The Topic String identifies the topic node. It matches information from a publisher to a subscriber interested in that information. TOPICSTR
Publish Indicates whether publications are allowed or not. PUB
Subscribe Indicates whether subscriptions are allowed or not. SUB
Durable subscriptions Indicates whether durable subscriptions are allowed or not. DURSUB
Default priority Displays the default priority of messages published to the topic. DEFPRTY
Default persistence Displays the default persistence of messages published to the topic. DEFPSIST
Model durable queue This is the managed model queue for durable subscriptions. MDURMDL
Model non-durable queue This is the managed model queue for non-durable subscriptions. MNDURMDL
Default put response type The default response type for message puts. The default value is As parent. The 2 other options available are:

Sync which means the response is put synchronously.

Async which means the response is put asynchronously.

Admin topic name Administrative topic objects are a required in order to be able to define attributes for certain portions of the topic tree, and to set up authority checking on specific topics. N/A
Subscriber count This is the number of subscribers for this topic string, including durable subscribers who are not currently connected. SUBCOUNT
Publisher count The number of applications currently publishing to the topic. PUBCOUNT
Retained publication Indicates if the publication is retained or not. MQIACF_RETAINED_PUBLICATION
Non-persistent message delivery

The delivery method for non-persistent messages published to this topic. NPMSGDLV
Persistent message delivery

The delivery method for persistent messages published to this topic. PMSGDLV
Publication scope The scope of publications can be controlled administratively using the PUBSCOPE topic attribute. The attribute can be set to one of the following 3 values:

  • As parent. This is the default value. The publication scope is set to the same value as the parent queue manager.
  • Queue manager. The publication is only delivered to local subscribers.
  • All. The publication is delivered to local subscribers and remote subscribers by directly connected queue managers.
Subscription scope The scope of subscriptions can be controlled administratively using the SUBSCOPE topic attribute. The attribute can be set to one of the following 3 values:

  • As parent. This is the default value. The subscription scope is set to the same value as the parent queue manager.
  • Queue manager. The subscription receives only local publications, and proxy subscriptions are not propagated to remote queue managers.
  • All. A proxy subscription is propagated to remote queue managers, and the subscriber receives local and remote publications.
Cluster name This is the name of the cluster to which the topic belongs. CLUSTER
Use dead-letter queue Specifies whether the dead-letter queue is used when publication messages cannot be delivered to their correct subscriber queue. There are 2 possible values:

  • No means that publication messages that cannot be delivered to their correct subscriber queue are treated as a failure to put the message, and the application's MQPUT to a topic fails in accordance with the settings of Non-persistent message delivery and Persistent message delivery.
  • Yes means that if the queue manager Dead-letter queue attribute provides the name of a Dead Letter Queue, then it is used. Otherwise the behavior is as for No.