Coupling facility structure status attributes
The status attributes of coupling facility (CF) structures.
For each attribute, there is a brief description of what information the attribute shows. The table also gives the equivalent MQSC parameter for the DISPLAY CFSTATUS command. For more information about MQSC commands, see Script (MQSC) Commands in the IBM MQ online product documentation.
This table lists the attributes in the Summary Status dialog, which displays the summary status information for the CF application structure.
Attribute | Meaning | MQSC parameter |
Coupling facility name | The name of the CF structure. | |
Type | The type of status information that is being displayed. Summary means that it is summary status information for the CF application structure; Connect means that it is connection status information for each CF application structure for each active queue manager; Backup means that it is backup status information for each CF application structure. | TYPE |
Status | The status of the CF application structure. If the value of Status
type is Summary:
Max size | The size, in kilobytes, of the CF application structure. | SIZEMAX |
Size used | The percentage of the CF application structure that is in use. | SIZEUSED |
Max entries | The number of CF list entries defined for this CF application structure. | ENTSMAX |
Entries used | The number of CF list entries defined for this CF application structure that are in use. | ENTSUSED |
Fail date | The date on which this CF application structure failed. If Status type is Connect, this is the date on which the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of Status type, this is the date on which this CF application structure failed. This value is shown only when the value of Status is Failed or In recover. | FAILDATE |
Fail time | The time that this CF structure failed. If Status type is Connect, this is the time that the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of Status type, this is the time that this CF application structure failed. This value is shown only when the value of Status is Failed or In recover. | FAILTIME |
Offload use | This indicates whether offloaded large message data potentially exists in shared message data sets, Db2 or both. If Offload use is None, no offloaded large messages are present. In the case thatOffload use is SMDS, offloaded large messages can exist in shared message data sets. Where Offload use is DB2, offloaded can exist in Db2. Finally if Offload use is Both, offloaded large messages can exist both in shared message data sets and in Db2. |
This table lists the attributes in the Connect Status dialog, which displays the connection status information for each CF application structure for each active queue manager.
Attribute | Meaning | MQSC parameter |
Coupling facility name | The name of the CF structure. | |
Queue manager name | The queue manager name. | QMNAME |
System name | The name of the z/OS® image of the queue manager that last connected to the CF application structure. These can be different across queue managers depending on your configuration setup. | SYSNAME |
Status | The status of the CF application structure. If the value of Status
type is Summary:
Fail date | The date on which this CF application structure failed. If Status type is Connect, this is the date on which the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of Status type, this is the date on which this CF application structure failed. This value is shown only when the value of Status is Failed or In recover. | FAILDATE |
Fail time | The time that this CF structure failed. If Status type is Connect, this is the time that the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of Status type, this is the time that this CF application structure failed. This value is shown only when the value of Status is Failed or In recover. | FAILTIME |
This table lists the attributes in the Backup Status dialog, which displays the backup status information for each CF application structure.
Attribute | Meaning | MQSC parameter |
Coupling facility name | The name of the CF structure. | |
Queue manager name | The queue manager name. | QMNAME |
Status | The status of the CF application structure. If the value of Status
type is Summary:
Backup date | The date on which the last successful backup was taken for this CF application structure. | BKUPDATE |
Backup time | The end time of the last successful backup taken for this CF application structure. | BKUPTIME |
Backup size | The size, in megabytes, of the last successful backup taken for this CF application structure. | BKSIZE |
Start RBA | The backup data set start RBA for the start of the last successful backup taken for this CF application structure. | BKUPSRBA |
End RBA | The backup data set end RBA for the end of the last successful backup taken for this CF structure. | BKUPERBA |
Log queue manager name | A list of queue managers, the logs of which are required to perform a recover. | LOGS |
Fail date | The date on which this CF application structure failed. If Status type is Connect, this is the date on which the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of Status type, this is the date on which this CF application structure failed. This value is shown only when the value of Status is Failed or In recover. | FAILDATE |
Fail time | The time that this CF structure failed. If Status type is Connect, this is the time that the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of Status type, this is the time that this CF application structure failed. This value is shown only when the value of Status is Failed or In recover. | FAILTIME |
This table lists the attributes in the Backup Status dialog, which displays the backup status information for each CF application structure.
Attribute | Meaning | MQSC parameter |
Coupling facility name | The name of the CF structure. | |
Queue manager name | The queue manager name. | QMNAME |
Access | The current availability state of the shared message data set. Valid availability states are Enabled, Suspended or Disabled | ACCESS |
Fail date | The date on which this CF application structure failed. If Status type is Connect, this is the date on which the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of Status type, this is the date on which this CF application structure failed. This value is shown only when the value of Status is Failed or In recover. | FAILDATE |
Fail time | The time that this CF structure failed. If Status type is Connect, this is the time that the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of Status type, this is the time that this CF application structure failed. This value is shown only when the value of Status is Failed or In recover. | FAILTIME |
Recovery date | The recovery start date. If recovery is currently enabled for the data set, this indicates the date when it was activated, in the form yyy-mm-dd. | RCVDATE |
Recovery time | The recovery start time. If recovery is currently enabled for the data set, this indicated the time when it was activated, in the form, | RCVTIME |
Status | The status of the CF application structure. If the value of Status
type is Summary: