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Creating a new topic

A topic identifies what a publication is about. A topic is a character string that describes the subject of the information that is published in a publish/subscribe message.

Before you begin

For the latest information on topic strings, wildcard characters, special characters, and topic trees, see the following links.

The queue manager that hosts the Publish/Subscribe engine must be visible in the Navigator view. To show the queue manager, follow the instructions in Showing or hiding a queue manager

About this task

To create a new topic in the IBM MQ Explorer:


  1. Expand the queue manager that hosts the Publish/Subscribe Engine to display the object-folders in the Navigator view.
  2. Right-click Topics, then click New > Topic.


The New Topic wizard opens. Work though the wizard to create a new topic.

What to do next

For information about topic names, topic strings and topic wildcards, refer to the following links.