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Change the colors

We can change the colors that are used to highlight parts of the IBM MQ Explorer interface.

About this task

In IBM MQ Explorer, there are several places where color is used to highlight parts of the interface. For example, in the Content view, cells that are not applicable to an object are colored gray; in the command window that contains the command details of the Create Queue Manager wizard, sections of the text are highlighted in different colors. In the Preferences dialog, we can change the colors that are used.

To change the color of cells that are not applicable:


  1. Open the Preferences dialog: Window > Preferences
  2. In navigation tree of the Preferences dialog, expand MQ Explorer, then click Colors.
  3. On the Colors page, click the palette button for the feature to change. The palette button in the Content View section of the page controls the color of cells that are not applicable (cells that are colored gray by default); the palette buttons in the Command Details section of the page control the color of the text and background in the command windows that are displayed in the Details window when you create, delete, start, and stop a queue manager in IBM MQ Explorer.
  4. In the palette, click the color to use (or define a custom color), then click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog.


The color that you selected is used.