Configure the channel to reduce the opportunity of being put 'in-doubt'

By using the Batch heartbeat interval attribute, we can reduce the possibility of a sending channel being put in doubt and made unavailable.

About this task

We can configure channels, using the Batch heartbeat interval attribute, so that the sending end of the channel checks that the receiving end of the channel is still active before the channel tries to commit the current logical unit of work. When the Batch heartbeat interval attribute is set, the sending end of the channel sends a heartbeat to the receiving end before the channel tries to commit the current logical unit of work.

If the sending channel has had a communication from the receiving channel within the Batch heartbeat interval, the receiving channel is assumed to be still active, otherwise a 'heartbeat' is sent to the receiving channel to check. The sending channel waits for a response from the receiving end of the channel for an interval, based on the number of seconds specified in the channel Heartbeat Interval (HBINT) attribute.

The advantage of using the Batch heartbeat interval is that instead of the sending channel being put in doubt and made unavailable, the only delay is the time during which the sending end of the channel is sending the heartbeat and waiting for a response from the receiving end of the channel.

To configure the Batch heartbeat interval attribute:


  1. Open the sending channel properties dialog.
  2. On the Extended page, type the number of seconds that the sending end of the channel waits for a response from the receiving end of the channel.
  3. Click OK.


Whenever the channel is ready to commit a logical unit of work, the sending end of the channel sends a heartbeat to the receiving end of the channel to check that the receiving end of the channel is still active.

For more information, see Distributed queueing and clusters in the IBM MQ online product documentation.