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Apply plug-ins to IBM MQ Explorer

We can either run a plug-in with IBM MQ Explorer from the Eclipse workbench, or apply updates from a plug-in to IBM MQ Explorer permanently.

To run plug-ins with IBM MQ Explorer from the Eclipse workbench, complete the following steps:
  1. Select the plug-in from the Package Explorer.
  2. Click Run > Run As > Eclipse Application.

    A new Eclipse workbench opens.

  3. In the new Eclipse workbench, open the IBM MQ Explorer perspective.
  4. In the Explorer preferences section, select the "Enable plug-ins" page and enable the relevant sample plug-in or plug-ins.
To permanently apply updates to IBM MQ Explorer provided by a plugin, complete the following steps:
  1. With a file browser, find the plug-in file that provides the functionality extensions to IBM MQ Explorer.
  2. Copy the plug-in file, and paste it into MQExplorer\eclipse\dropins within your IBM MQ installation directory. For example, on Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\ or /opt/mqm on Linux x86-64 platforms.
  3. Restart IBM MQ Explorer.
The updates provided by the plug-in are applied to IBM MQ Explorer.