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Install, configuring, and verifying IBM MQ bridge for HTTP

Obtain IBM MQ bridge for HTTP by installing Java Messaging and Web Services from either the IBM MQ MQI client or server installation materials. Deploy IBM MQ bridge for HTTP to a suitable application server.

Before you begin

Check the prerequisite products at System Requirements for IBM MQ. The installation process does not check for the presence and availability of the prerequisite software for running IBM MQ bridge for HTTP. You must verify that the prerequisites are installed.

IBM MQ bridge for HTTP is a Java EE 4 application. For information about supported application servers, see System Requirements for IBM MQ.

IBM MQ bridge for HTTP is supplied as a .war file, WMQHTTP.war.

Carry out the following installation steps to install IBM MQ bridge for HTTP, deploy, and configure it, and verify the configuration. The details of the configuration steps vary on different application servers. Use Deploying and verifying IBM MQ bridge for HTTP on WebSphere Application Server V6.1.0.9 as a template for the steps to follow on our application server.


  1. Obtain WMQHTTP.war by installing either the IBM MQ MQI client or server.
  2. Copy WMQHTTP.war to a server from which it can be deployed to an application server.
  3. Deploy WMQHTTP.war to an application server.
  4. If necessary, install IBM MQ as a resource adapter on our application server. Find out if IBM MQ is already configured as a messaging provider on our application server. Use the administration or management tool supplied with our application server, to look for IBM MQ. IBM MQ might be found under the following path, Resources > JMS > Messaging providers.
  5. Configure a connection factory on the application server to connect to a queue manager that uses the IBM MQ MQI client transport 1 .
  6. Configure the WMQHTTP.war Web application on the application server to use the connection factory
  7. Verify the configuration.
    1. Set up the queue manager named in the connection factory and a local queue.
    2. Place a message on the local queue.
    3. Create the server-connection channel named in the connection factory, with authority to read and write to the local queue.
    4. Start the queue manager and the listener.
    5. Start the application server and WMQHTTP.war, if they are not already running.
    6. Open a browser and type http://hostname: web port/Context root/msg/queue/local queue


The browser window displays the message you placed on the local queue.

What to do next

  1. Try the example, Deploying and verifying IBM MQ bridge for HTTP on WebSphere Application Server V6.1.0.9.
  2. Run the sample HTTP Java applications.