The JMS ConnectionConsumer
The ConnectionConsumer interface provides a high-performance method to deliver messages concurrently to a pool of threads.
The JMS specification enables an application server to integrate closely with a JMS implementation by using the ConnectionConsumer interface. This feature provides concurrent processing of messages. Typically, an application server creates a pool of threads, and the JMS implementation makes messages available to these threads. A JMS-aware application server (such as WebSphere Application Server) can use this feature to provide high-level messaging functionality, such as message driven beans.
Normal applications do not use the ConnectionConsumer, but expert JMS clients might use it. For such clients, the ConnectionConsumer provides a high-performance method to deliver messages concurrently to a pool of threads. When a message arrives on a queue or a topic, JMS selects a thread from the pool and delivers a batch of messages to it. To do this, JMS runs an associated MessageListener's onMessage() method.
We can achieve the same effect by constructing multiple Session and MessageConsumer objects, each with a registered MessageListener. However, the ConnectionConsumer provides better performance, less use of resources, and greater flexibility. In particular, fewer Session objects are required.