Configure the resource adapter for outbound communication
To configure outbound communication, define the properties of a ConnectionFactory object and an administered destination object.
Example of using outbound communication
When using outbound communication, an application running in an application server starts a connection to a queue manager, and then sends messages to its queues and receives messages from its queues in a synchronous manner. For example, the following servlet method, doGet(), uses outbound communication:protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { ... // Look up ConnectionFactory and Queue objects from the JNDI namespace InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); ConnectionFactory cf = (javax.jms.ConnectionFactory) ic.lookup("myCF"); Queue q = (javax.jms.Queue) ic.lookup("myQueue"); // Create and start a connection Connection c = cf.createConnection(); c.start(); // Create a session and message producer Session s = c.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); MessageProducer pr = s.createProducer(q); // Create and send a message Message m = s.createTextMessage("Hello, World!"); pr.send(m); // Create a message consumer and receive the message just sent MessageConsumer co = s.createConsumer(q); Message mr = co.receive(5000); // Close the connection c.close(); }When the servlet receives an HTTP GET request, it retrieves a ConnectionFactory object and a Queue object from the JNDI namespace, and uses the objects to send a message to an IBM MQ queue. The servlet then receives the message that it has sent.
Resources needed for outbound communication
To configure outbound communication, define Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) resources in the following categories:The way you define these properties depends on the administration interfaces provided by your application server. ConnectionFactory, Queue, and Topic objects created by the application server are bound into a JNDI namespace from where they can be retrieved by an application.
- The properties of a ConnectionFactory object, which the application server uses to create a JMS ConnectionFactory object.
- The properties of an administered destination object, which the application server uses to create a JMS Queue object or JMS Topic object.
Typically, you define one ConnectionFactory object for each queue manager that applications might need to connect to. You define one Queue object for each queue that applications might need to access in the point-to-point domain. And you define one Topic object for each topic that applications might want to publish or subscribe to. A ConnectionFactory object can be domain independent. Alternatively, it can be domain-specific, a QueueConnectionFactory object for the point-to-point domain or a TopicConnectionFactory object for the publish/subscribe domain.
Tip: With JMS 2.0, a connection factory can be used to create both connections and contexts. As a result, it is possible to have a connection pool associated with a connection factory that contains a mixture of both connections and contexts. It is recommended that a connection factory is only used for creating connections or creating contexts. This ensures that the connection pool for that connection factory only contains objects of a single type, which makes the pool more efficient.
Properties of a ConnectionFactory object
Table 1 lists the properties of a ConnectionFactory object. The application server uses these properties to create a JMS ConnectionFactory object.Notes:
Table 1. Properties of a ConnectionFactory object Name of property Type Valid values (default value in bold) Description applicationName String
- The invoking class name, if it is available, adjusted to be no longer than 28 characters. If it is not available, the string WebSphere MQ Client for Java is used.
The name by which an application is registered with the queue manager. This application name is shown by the DISPLAY CONN MQSC/PCF command (where the field is called APPLTAG) or in the IBM MQ Explorer Application Connections display (where the field is called App name). brokerCCSubQueue 1 String
- A queue name
The name of the queue from which a connection consumer receives nondurable subscription messages. brokerControlQueue 1 String
- A queue name
The name of the broker control queue. brokerPubQueue 1 String
- A queue name
The name of the queue where published messages are sent (the stream queue). brokerQueueManager 1 String
- "" (empty string)
- A queue manager name
The name of the queue manager on which the broker is running. brokerSubQueue 1 String
- A queue name
The name of the queue from which a nondurable message consumer receives messages. See BROKERSUBQ property for more information.
brokerVersion 1 String
- unspecified - After the broker has been migrated from V6 to V7, set this property so that RFH2 headers are no longer used. After migration this property is no longer relevant.
- V1 - To use an IBM MQ Publish/Subscribe broker. This value is the default value if TRANSPORT is set to BIND or CLIENT.
- V2 - To use a broker of IBM Integration Bus in native mode. This value is the default value if TRANSPORT is set to DIRECT or DIRECTHTTP.
The version of the broker being used. ccdtURL String
- null
- A uniform resource locator (URL)
A URL that identifies the name and location of the file containing the client channel definition table (CCDT) and specifies how the file can be accessed. CCSID String
- 819
- A coded character set identifier supported by the Java virtual machine (JVM)
The coded character set identifier for a connection. channel String
- The name of an MQI channel
The name of the MQI channel to use. cleanupInterval 1 int
- 3 600 000
- A positive integer
The interval, in milliseconds, between background runs of the publish/subscribe cleanup utility. cleanupLevel 1 String
The cleanup level for a broker-based subscription store. clientID String
- null
- A client identifier
The client identifier for a connection. cloneSupport String
- DISABLED - Only one instance of a durable topic subscriber can run at a time.
- ENABLED - Two or more instances of the same durable topic subscriber can run simultaneously, but each instance must run in a separate Java virtual machine (JVM).
Whether two or more instances of the same durable topic subscriber can run simultaneously. connectionNameList String
- localhost(1414)
- A string composed of items separated by commas where each item takes the format:
HOSTNAME(PORT)where HOSTNAME is either a DNS name or an IP address.A list of TCP/IP connection names used for outbound communications. connectionNameList supersedes the hostname and port properties.
This property is used to reconnect to multi-instance queue managers.
connectionNameList is similar in form to localAddress, but must not be confused with it. localAddress specifies the characteristics of the local communications, whereas connectionNameList specifies how to reach a remote queue manager.
failIfQuiesce Boolean
- true
- false
Whether calls to certain methods fail if the queue manager is in a quiescing state. headerCompression String
- SYSTEM - RLE message header compression is performed.
A list of the techniques that can be used for compressing header data on a connection. hostName String
- localhost
- A host name
- An IP address
The host name or IP address of the system on which the queue manager resides. The hostname and port properties are superseded by the connectionNameList property when it is specified.
localAddress String
- null
- A string in the format:
[ host_name ][(low_port [, high_port ])]where host_name is a host name or IP address, low_port and high_port are TCP port numbers, and brackets denote an optional componentFor a connection to a queue manager, this property specifies either or both of the following:
- The local network interface to be used
- The local port, or range of local ports, to be used
localAddress is similar in form to connectionNameList, but must not be confused with it. localAddress specifies the characteristics of the local communications, whereas connectionNameList specifies how to reach a remote queue manager.
messageCompression String
- A list of one or more of the following values separated by blank characters:
A list of the techniques that can be used for compressing message data on a connection. messageSelection 1 String
Determines whether message selection is done by IBM MQ classes for JMS or by the broker. Message selection by the broker is not supported when brokerVersion has the value 1. password String
- null
- A password
The default password to use when creating a connection to the queue manager. pollingInterval 1 int
- 5000
- Any positive integer
If each message listener within a session has no suitable message on its queue, this value is the maximum interval, in milliseconds, that elapses before each message listener tries again to get a message from its queue. If it frequently happens that no suitable message is available for any of the message listeners in a session, consider increasing the value of this property. This property is relevant only if TRANSPORT has the value BIND or CLIENT. port int
- 1414
- A TCP port number
The port on which the queue manager listens. The hostname and port properties are superseded by the connectionNameList property when it is specified.
providerVersion string
- unspecified
- A string in one of the following formats
where V, R, M, and F are integer values greater than or equal to zero.
- V.R.M.F
- V.R.M
- V.R
- V
The version, release, modification level and fix pack of the queue manager to which the application intends to connect. pubAckInterval 1 int
- 25
- A positive integer
The number of messages published by a publisher before IBM MQ classes for JMS requests an acknowledgment from the broker. queueManager String
- "" (empty string)
- A queue manager name
The name of the queue manager to connect to. receiveExit 3 String
- null
- A string comprising one or more items separated by commas, where each item is the fully qualified name of a class that implements the IBM MQ classes for Java interface, MQReceiveExit
Identifies a channel receive exit program, or a sequence of receive exit programs to be run in succession. receiveExitInit String
- null
- A string comprising one or more items of user data separated by commas
The user data that is passed to channel receive exit programs when they are called. rescanInterval 1 int
- 5000
- Any positive integer
When a message consumer in the point-to-point domain uses a message selector to select which messages it wants to receive, IBM MQ classes for JMS searches the IBM MQ queue for suitable messages in the sequence determined by the MsgDeliverySequence attribute of the queue. When IBM MQ classes for JMS finds a suitable message and delivers it to the consumer, IBM MQ classes for JMS resumes the search for the next suitable message from its current position in the queue. IBM MQ classes for JMS continues to search the queue in this way until it reaches the end of the queue, or until the interval of time in milliseconds, as determined by the value of this property, has expired. In each case, IBM MQ classes for JMS returns to the beginning of the queue to continue its search, and a new time interval commences. securityExit 3 String
- null
- The fully qualified name of a class that implements the IBM MQ classes for Java interface, MQSecurityExit
Identifies a channel security exit program. securityExitInit String
- null
- A string of user data
The user data that is passed to a channel security exit program when it is called. sendCheckCount int
- 0
- Any positive integer
The number of send calls to allow between checking for asynchronous put errors, within a single non-transacted JMS session. sendExit 3 String
- null
- A string comprising one or more items separated by commas, where each item is the fully qualified name of a class that implements the IBM MQ classes for Java interface, MQSendExit
Identifies a channel send exit program, or a sequence of send exit programs to be run in succession. sendExitInit String
- null
- A string comprising one or more items of user data separated by commas
The user data that is passed to channel send exit programs when they are called. shareConvAllowed Boolean
- NO - A client connection cannot share its socket.
- YES - A client connection can share its socket.
Whether a client connection can share its socket with other top-level JMS connections from the same process to the same queue manager, if the channel definitions match. sparseSubscriptions 1 Boolean
- false - Subscriptions receive frequent matching messages.
- true - Subscriptions receive infrequent matching messages. This value requires that the subscription queue can be opened for browse.
Controls the message retrieval policy of a TopicSubscriber object. sslCertStores String
- null
- A string of one or more LDAP URLs separated by blanks. Each LDAP URL has the format:
ldap://host_name [: port ]where host_name is a host name or IP address, port is a TCP port number, and brackets denote an optional component.The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) servers that hold certificate revocation lists (CRLs) for use on a TLS connection. sslCipherSuite String
- null
- The name of a CipherSuite
The CipherSuite to use for a TLS connection. sslFipsRequired 2 Boolean
- false
- true
Whether a TLS connection must use a CipherSuite that is supported by the IBM Java JSSE FIPS provider (IBMJSSEFIPS). sslPeerName String
- null
- A template for distinguished names
For a TLS connection, a template that is used to check the distinguished name in the digital certificate provided by the queue manager. sslResetCount int
- 0
- An integer in the range 0 - 999 999 999
The total number bytes sent and received by a TLS connection before the secret keys used by TLS are renegotiated. sslSocketFactory String A string representing the fully qualified class name of a class providing an implementation of the interface, optionally including an argument to be passed to the constructor method, enclosed in parentheses. Any connections established in the scope of the administered destination object use sockets obtained from this implementation of the SSLSocketFactory interface. statusRefreshInterval 1 int
- 60000
- Any positive integer
The interval, in milliseconds, between refreshes of the long running transaction that detects when a subscriber loses its connection to the queue manager. This property is relevant only if SUBSTORE has the value QUEUE. subscriptionStore 1 String
Determines where IBM MQ classes for JMS stores persistent data about active subscriptions. targetClientMatching Boolean
- true
- false
Whether a reply message, sent to the queue identified by the JMSReplyTo header field of an incoming message, has an MQRFH2 header only if the incoming message has an MQRFH2 header. temporaryModel String
- Any string
The name of the model queue from which JMS temporary queues are created.
Use SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE if both of the following statements are true:
- Your application uses a temporary queue that will accept non-persistent messages.
- Only one application will create a temporary queue on the queue manager that the ConnectionFactory points to at a time. Note that SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE can only be opened by one application at a time.
Use SYSTEM.JMS.TEMPQ.MODEL in the following situations:
- When our application uses a temporary queue that will accept persistent messages.
- If multiple applications can connect to the queue manager that the ConnectionFactory points to and those applications need to create temporary queues at the same time.
Define a new model queue with the DEFPSIST attribute set to YES, and the DEFSOPT attribute set to SHARED in the following situation:When the new model queue is created, set the temporaryModel property to the name of the new model queue.
- When our application uses a temporary queue that will accept non-persistent messages, and multiple applications will connect to the queue manager that the ConnectionFactory points to, and those applications need to create temporary queues at the same time.
tempQPrefix String
- "" (empty string)
- A prefix that can be used to form the name of an IBM MQ dynamic queue. The rules for forming the prefix are the same as the rules for forming the contents of the DynamicQName field in an IBM MQ object descriptor, structure MQOD, but the last non-blank character must be an asterisk (*). If the value of the property is the empty string, IBM MQ classes for JMS uses the value AMQ.* when creating a dynamic queue.
The prefix that is used to form the name of an IBM MQ dynamic queue. tempTopicPrefix String Any non-null string consisting only of valid characters for an IBM MQ topic string When creating temporary topics, JMS generates a topic string of the form "TEMP/TEMPTOPICPREFIX/unique_id ", or if this property is left with the default value, just "TEMP/unique_id". Specifying a non-empty TEMPTOPICPREFIX allows specific model queues to be defined for creating the managed queues for subscribers to temporary topics created under this connection. transportType String
Whether a connection to a queue manager uses client mode or bindings mode. If the value BINDINGS_THEN_CLIENT is specified, the resource adapter first tries to make a connection in bindings mode. If this connection attempt fails, the resource adapter then tries to make a client mode connection. If an activation specification that is running on a WebSphere Application Server for z/OSĀ® system has been configured to use the BINDINGS_THEN_CLIENT transport mode and a previously established connection is broken, then any reconnection attempts by the activation specification first attempt to use the BINDINGS transport mode. If the BINDINGS transport mode connection attempt is unsuccessful, the activation specification subsequently attempts a CLIENT transport mode connection.
username String
- null
- A user name
The default user name to use when creating a connection to a queue manager. wildcardFormat int
- CHAR- Recognizes character wildcards only, as used in broker version 1
- TOPIC - Recognizes topic level wildcards only, as used in broker version 2
Which version of wildcard syntax is to be used. The following example shows a typical set of properties of a ConnectionFactory object:
- This property can be used with Version 7.0 of IBM WebSphere MQ classes for JMS but does not affect an application connected to a Version 7.0 queue manager unless the providerVersion property is set to a version number less than 7.
- For important information about using the sslFipsRequired property, see Limitations of the IBM MQ resource adapter.
- For information on how to configure the resource adapter so that it can locate an exit, see Configure IBM MQ classes for JMS to use channel exits.
channel: SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN hostName: port: 1414 queueManager: ExampleQM transportType: CLIENT
Properties of an administered destination object
The application server uses the properties of an administered destination object to create a JMS Queue object or JMS Topic object.
Table 2 lists the properties that are common to a Queue object and a Topic object.Table 3 lists the properties that are specific to a Queue object.
Table 2. Properties that are common to a Queue object and a Topic object Name of property Type Valid values (default value in bold) Description CCSID String
- 1208
- A coded character set identifier supported by the Java virtual machine (JVM)
The coded character set identifier for the destination. encoding String
- A string of three characters:
NATIVE is equivalent to the string NNN.
- The first character specifies the representation of binary integers:
- N denotes normal encoding.
- R denotes reverse encoding.
- The second character specifies the representation of packed decimal integers:
- N denotes normal encoding.
- R denotes reverse encoding.
- The third character specifies the representation of floating point numbers:
- N denotes standard IEEE encoding.
- R denotes reverse IEEE encoding.
- 3 denotes zSeries encoding.
The representation of binary integers, packed decimal integers, and floating point numbers for the destination. expiry String
- APP - The expiry time of a message is determined by the message producer.
- UNLIM - A message never expires.
- 0 - A message never expires.
- A positive integer representing the expiry time of a message in milliseconds.
The expiry time of a message sent to the destination. failIfQuiesce String
- true
- false
Whether an attempt to access the destination fails if the queue manager is in a quiescing state. messageBodyStyle String
- MQ
We can set the messageBodyStyle property on JMS queues and topics:
- When sending, IBM MQ classes for JMS generate and include an MQRFH2 header, depending on the value of WMQ_TARGET_CLIENT.
- When receiving, IBM MQ classes for JMS set the JMS message properties according to values in the MQRFH2, if present. MQRFH2 is not presented as part of the JMS message body.
- When sending, IBM MQ classes for JMS automatically generates an MQRFH2 header and includes the header in the IBM MQ message.
- When receiving, IBM MQ classes for JMS set the JMS message properties according to values in the MQRFH2, if present. MQRFH2 is not presented as part of the JMS message body.
- When sending, IBM MQ classes for JMS do not generate an MQRFH2.
- When receiving, IBM MQ classes for JMS present the MQRFH2 as part of the JMS message body.
persistence String
- APP - The persistence of a message is determined by the message producer.
- QDEF - The persistence of a message is determined by the DefPersistence attribute of the IBM MQ queue.
- PERS - A message is persistent.
- NON - A message is nonpersistent.
- HIGH - The persistence of a message is determined by the NonPersistentMessageClass attribute of the IBM MQ queue according to the explanation in JMS persistent messages.
The persistence of a message sent to the destination. priority String
- APP - The priority of a message is determined by the message producer.
- QDEF - The priority of a message is determined by the DefPriority attribute of the IBM MQ queue.
- An integer in the range 0, lowest priority, to 9, highest priority.
The priority of a message sent to the destination. putAsyncAllowed String
- QUEUE - Determine whether asynchronous puts are allowed by referring to the queue definition.
- TOPIC - Determine whether asynchronous puts are allowed by referring to the topic definition.
- DESTINATION - Determine whether asynchronous puts are allowed by referring to the queue or topic definition.
- DISABLED - Asynchronous puts are not allowed.
- ENABLED - Asynchronous puts are allowed.
Whether message producers are allowed to use asynchronous puts to send messages to this destination. readAheadAllowed int
- DESTINATION - Determine whether read ahead is allowed by referring to the queue or topic definition.
- DISABLED - Read ahead is not allowed.
- ENABLED - Read ahead is allowed.
- QUEUE - Determine whether read ahead is allowed by referring to the queue definition.
- TOPIC - Determine whether read ahead is allowed by referring to the topic definition.
Whether message consumers and queue browsers are allowed to use read ahead to get nonpersistent messages from the destination into an internal buffer before receiving them. receiveCCSID int
- 0 - Use JVM Charset.defaultCharset
- 1208 - UTF-8
- A supported coded character set identifier
Destination property that sets the target CCSID for queue manager message conversion. The value is ignored unless receiveConversion is set to QMGR. receiveConversion String
Destination property that determines whether data conversion is going to be performed by the queue manager. targetClient String
- JMS - The target of a message is a JMS application.
- MQ - The target of a message is a non-JMS IBM MQ application.
Whether the target of a message sent to the destination is a JMS application. A message with a target that is a JMS application contains an MQRFH2 header. Table 4 lists the properties that are specific to a Topic object.
Table 3. Properties that are specific to a Queue object Name of property Type Valid values (default value in bold) Description baseQueueManagerName String
- "" (empty string)
- A queue manager name
The name of the queue manager that owns the underlying IBM MQ queue. baseQueueName String
- "" (empty string)
- A queue name
The name of the underlying IBM MQ queue. Note:
Table 4. Properties that are specific to a Topic object Name of property Type Valid values (default value in bold) Description baseTopicName String
- "" (empty string)
- A topic name
The name of the underlying topic. brokerCCDurSubQueue 1 String
- A queue name
The name of the queue from which a connection consumer receives durable subscription messages. brokerDurSubQueue 1 String
- A queue name
The name of the queue from which a durable topic subscriber receives messages. See the BROKEDURRSUBQ property in the IBM MQ Explorer documentation for more information. brokerPubQueue 1 String
- Not set
- A queue name
The name of the queue where published messages are sent (the stream queue). The value of this property overrides the value of the brokerPubQueue property of the ConnectionFactory object. However, if we do not set the value of this property, the value of the brokerPubQueue property of the ConnectionFactory object is used instead. brokerPubQueueManager 1 String
- "" (empty string)
- A queue manager name
The name of the queue manager that owns the queue where messages published on the topic are sent. brokerVersion 1 String
- Not set
- 1
- 2
The version of the broker being used. The value of this property overrides the value of the brokerVersion property of the ConnectionFactory object. However, if we do not set the value of this property, the value of the brokerVersion property of the ConnectionFactory object is used instead. The following example shows a set of properties of a Queue object:
- This property can be used with Version 7.0 of IBM WebSphere MQ classes for JMS but does not affect an application connected to a Version 7.0 queue manager unless the providerVersion property of the ConnectionFactory object is set to a version number less than 7.
expiry: UNLIM persistence: QDEF baseQueueManagerName: ExampleQM baseQueueName: SYSTEM.JMS.TEMPQ.MODELThe following example shows a set of properties of a Topic object:expiry: UNLIM persistence: NON baseTopicName: myTestTopic