Handling message properties in IBM MQ classes for Java
Function calls to process message handles have no equivalent in IBM MQ classes for Java™. To set, return, or delete message handle properties, use methods of the MQMessage class.
For general information about message properties, see Property names.
In IBM MQ classes for Java access to messages is through the MQMessage class. Message handles are therefore not provided in the Java environment and there is no equivalent to the IBM MQ function calls MQCRTMH, MQDLTMH, MQMHBUF, and MQBUFMH
To set message handle properties in the procedural interface, we use the call MQSETMP. In IBM MQ classes for Java, use the appropriate method of the MQMessage class:- setBooleanProperty
- setByteProperty
- setBytesProperty
- setShortProperty
- setIntProperty
- setInt2Property
- setInt4Property
- setInt8Property
- setLongProperty
- setFloatProperty
- setDoubleProperty
- setStringProperty
- setObjectProperty
- getBooleanProperty
- getByteProperty
- getBytesProperty
- getShortProperty
- getIntProperty
- getInt2Property
- getInt4Property
- getInt8Property
- getLongProperty
- getFloatProperty
- getDoubleProperty
- getStringProperty
- getObjectProperty
To delete the value of message handle properties in the procedural interface, we use the call MQDLTMP. In IBM MQ classes for Java, use the deleteProperty method of the MQMessage class.