Preparing C programs in HP-UX
This topic contains information to consider when preparing C programs in HP-UX; with examples for the IA64 (IPF) platform.
MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which IBM MQ is installed.
Work in your normal environment. Precompiled C programs are supplied in the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/bin directory.
For further information about programming 64 bit applications see Coding standards on 64-bit platforms.
To use TLS, IBM MQ MQI clients on HP-UX must be built using POSIX threads.
Some examples to consider are:IA64 (IPF) platform
Build examples of amqsput0, cliexit, and srvexit on IA64(IPF) platform.
The following example builds the sample program amqsput0 as a client application in a non-threaded 32 bit environment:c89 -Wl,+b,: +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o amqsputc_32 amqsput0.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib -L/usr/lib/hpux32 -lmqicThe following example builds the sample program amqsput0 as a client application in a threaded 32 bit environment:
c89 -mt -Wl,+b,: +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o amqsputc_32_r amqsput0.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib -L/usr/lib/hpux32 -lmqic_r -lpthreadThe following example builds the sample program amqsput0 as a client application in a non-threaded 64 bit environment:
c89 +DD64 +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o amqsputc_64 amqsput0.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib64 -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -lmqicThe following example builds the sample program amqsput0 as a client application in a threaded 64 bit environment:
c89 -mt +DD64 +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o amqsputc_64_r amqsput0.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib64 -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -lmqic_r -lpthreadThe following example builds the sample program amqsput0 as a server application in a non-threaded 32 bit environment:
c89 -Wl,+b,: +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o amqsput_32 amqsput0.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib -L/usr/lib/hpux32 -lmqmThe following example builds the sample program amqsput0 as a server application in a threaded 32 bit environment:
c89 -mt -Wl,+b,: +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o amqsput_32_r amqsput0.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib -L/usr/lib/hpux32 -lmqm_r -lpthreadThe following example builds the sample program amqsput0 as a server application in a non-threaded 64 bit environment:
c89 +DD64 +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o amqsput_64 amqsput0.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib64 -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -lmqmThe following example builds the sample program amqsput0 as a server application in a threaded 64 bit environment:
c89 -mt +DD64 +e -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o amqsput_64_r amqsput0.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib64 -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -lmqm_r -lpthreadThe following example builds a client exit cliexit in a non-threaded 32 bit environment:
c89 +e +z -c -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o cliexit.o cliexit.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc ld +b: -b cliexit.o +ee MQStart -o /var/mqm/exits/cliexit_32 -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib \ -L/usr/lib/hpux32 -lmqicThe following example builds a client exit cliexit in a threaded 32 bit environment:
c89 -mt +e +z -c -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o cliexit.o cliexit.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc ld +b: -b cliexit.o +ee MQStart -o /var/mqm/exits/cliexit_32_r -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib \ -L/usr/lib/hpux32 -lmqic_r -lpthreadThe following example builds a client exit cliexit in a non-threaded 64 bit environment:
c89 +DD64 +e +z -c -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o cliexit.o cliexit.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc ld -b cliexit.o +ee MQStart -o /var/mqm/exits64/cliexit_64 \ -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib64 -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -lmqicThe following example builds a client exit cliexit in a threaded 64 bit environment:
c89 -mt +DD64 +e +z -c -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o cliexit.o cliexit.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc ld -b cliexit.o +ee MQStart -o /var/mqm/exits/cliexit_64_r \ -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib64 -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -lmqic_r -lpthreadThe following example builds a server exit srvexit in a non-threaded 32 bit environment:
c89 +e +z -c -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o srvexit.o srvexit.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc ld +b: -b srvexit.o +ee MQStart -o /var/mqm/exits/srvexit_32 -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib \ -L/usr/lib/hpux32 -lmqmThe following example builds a server exit srvexit in a threaded 32 bit environment:
c89 -mt +e +z -c -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o srvexit.o srvexit.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc ld +b: -b srvexit.o +ee MQStart -o /var/mqm/exits/srvexit_32_r -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib \ -L/usr/lib/hpux32 -lmqm_r -lpthreadThe following example builds a server exit srvexit in a non-threaded 64 bit environment:
c89 +DD64 +e +z -c -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o srvexit.o srvexit.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc ld -b srvexit.o +ee MQStart -o /var/mqm/exits64/srvexit_64 \ -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib64 -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -lmqmThe following example builds a server exit srvexit in a threaded 64 bit environment:
c89 -mt +DD64 +e +z -c -D_HPUX_SOURCE -o srvexit.o srvexit.c -I MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/inc ld -b srvexit.o +ee MQStart -o /var/mqm/exits/srvexit_64_r \ -L MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/lib64 -L/usr/lib/hpux64 -lmqm_r -lpthread
Linking libraries
You need to link your programs with one of the libraries provided by IBM MQ.
The following table shows which library to use in different environments:Hardware platform | Threaded or non-threaded environment | Program/exit type | Library file |
IA64 (IPF) | Threaded | Server & Client for C | |
IA64 (IPF) | Threaded | Client for C | |
IA64 (IPF) | Non-threaded | Server & Client for C | |
IA64 (IPF) | Non-threaded | Client for C | |
- We cannot link to more than one library. That is, we cannot link to both a threaded and a non-threaded library at the same time.
- If you are writing an installable service (see the Administer for further information), you need to link to the library.
- If you are producing an application for external coordination by an XA-compliant transaction manager such as IBM TXSeries® Encina, or BEA Tuxedo, you need to link to the (or if your transaction manager treats the 'long' type as 64 bit) and libraries in a non-threaded application and to the (or ) and libraries in a threaded application.
- You must link IBM MQ libraries before any other product libraries.