Preparing CICS application programs in AIX
Use this information when preparing CICS® programs in AIX .
Use XA switch modules to link CICS with IBM MQ . For more information on the XA switch structure, see The XA switch structures.
The sample source code file is provided to enable you to develop the XA switches for other transaction messages. The name of the switch load module provided is listed inTable 1.
Table 1. Essential code for CICS application programs on AIX: XA initialization routine Description
C (source)
C (exec) - add to your
XA initialization routine
amqzsc - CICS for AIX
Use the prebuilt version of the IBM MQ switch load file amqzsc, which is provided with the product.
Always link your C transactions with the threadsafe IBM MQ library libmqm_r.a., and your COBOL transactions with the COBOL library libmqmcb_r.a..
We can find more information about supporting CICS transactions in the Administer IBM MQ System Administration Guide.