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Referencing connection definitions using a pre-connect exit from a repository

IBM MQ MQI clients can be configured to look up a repository to obtain connection definitions using a pre-connect exit library.


A client application can connect to a queue manager using client channel definition tables (CCDT). Generally, the CCDT file is located on a central network file server, and have clients referencing it. Since it is difficult to manage and administer various client applications referencing the CCDT file, a flexible approach is to store the client definitions in a global repository like an LDAP directory, a WebSphere Registry and Repository or any other repository. Storing the client connection definitions in a repository makes managing client connection definitions easier, and applications can access the correct and most current client connection definitions.

During the MQCONN/X call execution, the IBM MQ MQI client loads an application specified pre-connect exit library, and invokes an exit function to retrieve connection definitions. The retrieved connection definitions are then used to establish connection to a queue manager. The details of exit library and function to invoke are specified in the mqclient.ini configuration file.


void MQ_PRECONNECT_EXIT (pExitParms, pQMgrName, ppConnectOpts, pCompCode, pReason);


C Invocation

void MQ_PRECONNECT_EXIT (&ExitParms, &QMgrName, &pConnectOpts, &CompCode, &Reason);
PMQNXP  pExitParms   /*PreConnect exit parameter structure*/
PMQCHAR pQMgrName    /*Name of the queue manager*/
PPMQCNO ppConnectOpts/*Options controlling the action of MQCONNX*/
PMQLONG pCompCode    /*Completion code*/
PMQLONG pReason      /*Reason qualifying pCompCode*/