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Example 2. Queue manager name specified

In this example the application must connect to a particular queue manager. The application issues an MQCONN call for that queue manager name. A suitable channel is chosen.

The application requires a connection to a specific queue manager, named SALE, as seen in the MQI call:
Following the rules, this is what happens in this instance:
  1. The client channel definition table (CCDT) is scanned in alphabetical channel name sequence, for the queue manager name SALE, matching with the application MQCONN call.
  2. The first channel definition found to match is ALPHA.
  3. An attempt to start the channel is made - this is not successful because the communication link is broken.
  4. The client channel definition table is again scanned for the queue manager name SALE and the channel name BETA is found.
  5. An attempt to start the channel is made - this is successful.
  6. A check to see that a listener is running shows that there is one running, but it is not connected to the SALE queue manager.
  7. There are no further entries in the client channel definition table. The application cannot continue and receives return code MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE.