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Creating a disaster recovery RDQM

We use the crtmqm command to create a replicated data queue manager (RDQM) to act as a primary or a secondary in a disaster recovery configuration.

About this task

We can create a replicated data queue manager (RDQM) as a user in the mqm group if the user can use sudo. Otherwise you must create the RDQM as root.

You must create a primary RDQM DR queue manager on one node. Then you must create a secondary instance of the same queue manager on another node. The primary and secondary instances must have the same name and be allocated the same amount of storage.


What to do next

After we have created your primary and secondary instances of your queue manager, you must check the status on both nodes to check both are correct. Use the rdqmstatus command on both nodes. The nodes should be displaying normal status as described in Viewing DR RDQM status. If they are not displaying this status, delete the secondary instance and recreate it, taking care to use the correct arguments.