File structure of the IBM MQ Console and REST API installation component

There are two sets of directory structures that are associated with the IBM MQ Console and REST API installation component. One directory structure contains files that can be edited. The other directory structure contains files that cannot be edited.

Editable files

The user editable files are laid down as part of the initial installation of the IBM MQ Console and REST API installation component. As these files can be edited, the files are not changed when maintenance is applied.

The location of the user editable files depends on the operating system:

  • On UNIX, Linux , and Windows: MQ_DATA_DIRECTORY/web/installations/installationName/
  • On z/OSĀ®: WLP_user_directory

    where WLP_user_directory is the directory that was specified when the script ran to create the mqweb server definition.

Under this top-level directory, the following directories and files are present:
Directories and files Description
angular.persistence/ Directory where the IBM MQ Console dashboard configuration is stored.
servers/ WebSphere Liberty Profile servers directory.
servers/mqweb Directory that contains the mqweb server directory structure.
servers/mqweb/logs Directory that contains logs for the mqweb server.
servers/mqweb/logs/console.log Log of basic server status and operation messages.
servers/mqweb/logs/ffdc First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) output directory.
servers/mqweb/logs/messages.log Log of runtime messages from the mqweb server, including the IBM MQ Console and REST API. Older messages are stored in files that are called messages_timestamp.log.
servers/mqweb/logs/trace.log Log of trace from the mqweb server, including the IBM MQ Console and REST API. Older trace is stored in files that are called trace_timestamp.log. These files exist only if trace is enabled.
servers/mqweb/logs/state Server-specific state.
servers/mqweb/server.xml Main server configuration file.

This file is read only. Edit the mqwebuser.xml file to override the default configuration.

servers/mqweb/mqwebuser.xml Configuration file for the IBM MQ Console and REST API. Settings that are configured in this file override the default configuration.

You must be a privileged user to edit this file.

servers/mqweb/resources Directory that contains various server resources such as keystores.
servers/mqweb/workarea Directory that is created by the server as it operates. This directory is created after the server is first run.

Non-editable files

The non-editable files are laid down as part of the initial installation of the IBM MQ Console and REST API installation component. These files are updated when maintenance is applied.

The location of the user editable files depends on the operating system:

  • On UNIX, Linux, and Windows: MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/web
  • On z/OS: installation_directory/web/

    where installation_directory is the IBM MQ UNIX System Services Components installation path.

The following directory structure and files are present in this location:
Directories and files Description
bin/ Directory that contains Liberty commands.

You must be a privileged user to execute scripts in this directory.

mq/ Directory structure that contains various IBM MQ resources.
mq/apps/ Directory that contains the IBM MQ Console and REST API applications.
mq/etc/mqweb.xml Read-only configuration file for the mqweb server.

Edit the mqwebuser.xml file to make configuration changes.

mq/libs Directory that contains shared libraries for use by the IBM MQ Console and REST API.
mq/samp Directory that contains samples.
mq/samp/configuration Directory that contains sample configuration files that can be copied into the mqwebuser.xml file.