Configure Gateway to run under Pathway

TMF/Gateway is the interface between the HP NonStop Transaction Management Facility (TMF) and IBM MQ that enables TMF to be the transaction coordinator for IBM MQ transactions.

The TMF/Gateway provided for the IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server converts transactions from TMF coordination into eXtended Architecture (XA) transaction coordination to communicate with the remote queue manager.

You must have one TMF/Gateway per queue manager that requires coordination, and client configuration is required so that the client can connect to the correct Gateway.

The TMF/Gateway can use all the mechanisms available to the client to communicate with a queue manager. Configure the TMF/Gateway in the way you would for your other applications.

The TMF/Gateway is not a HP Integrity NonStop Server process pair and is designed to run in a Pathway environment. The TMF/Gateway creates permanent resources within TMF, which it reuses on subsequent runs, therefore the TMF/Gateway must always be run under the same user authority.

Defining the serverclass

TMF/Gateway is hosted as a serverclass within a Pathway environment. To define the serverclass, you must set the following server attributes:

    Specifies the type of servers in the serverclass. The Gateway process is a multi-threaded OSS program. This attribute is mandatory, and must be set to OSS.
    Specifies the maximum number of server processes in this serverclass that can run at the same time. There can be only a single Gateway process for any queue manager. This attribute is mandatory and must be set to 1.
    Specifies the maximum number of static servers within this serverclass. The Gateway process must be run as a static server. This attribute is mandatory and must be set to 1.
    TMF = ON
    Specifies whether servers in this serverclass can lock and update data files that are audited by the TMF subsystem. The Gateway process participates in the TMF transactions of IBM MQ client applications therefore this attribute must be set to ON.
    PROGRAM = OSS installation path/opt/mqm/bin/runmqtmf
    For the IBM MQ client for HP Integrity NonStop Server, this attribute must be runmqtmf. This attribute must be the absolute OSS path name. Case is significant.
    ARGLIST = -m QMgr name [,-c channel name][,-p port][,-h host name][,-n max threads]
    These attributes provide parameters to the Gateway process, where:

    • QMgrName is the name of the queue manager for this Gateway process. If you are using a queue sharing group (or other port distribution technology), this parameter must be targeted to a specific queue manager. This parameter is mandatory.
    • channel name is the name of the server channel on the queue manager to be used by the Gateway process. This parameter is optional.
    • port is the TCP/IP port for the queue manager. This parameter is optional.
    • host name is the host name for the queue manager. This parameter is optional.
    • max threads is the maximum number of worker threads that are created by the Gateway process. This parameter can be a value of 10 or greater. The lowest value that is used is 10 even if a value lower than 10 is specified. If no value is provided, the Gateway process creates up to a maximum of 50 threads.
    Use the -c, -p, and -h attributes as an alternative method of providing connection information to the Gateway, in addition to that described in Configure the TMF/Gateway using environment variables. If you specify one or more, but not all of the -c, -p, and -h attributes, then those attributes that we do not specify default to the following values:

    • channel name defaults to SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN
    • host name defaults to localhost
    • port defaults to 1414

    If any of the parameters you supply are invalid, the TMF/Gateway issues diagnostic message AMQ5379 to the error log and terminates.

    OWNER = ID
    The user ID under which the Gateway runs and that must be granted connect authority to the queue manager.
    SECURITY = "value"
    Specifies the users, in relation to the Owner attribute, who can access the Gateway from an IBM MQ client application.

LINKDEPTH and MAXLINKS must be configured with values appropriate for the expected number of IBM MQ client applications that might want to concurrently communicate with the Gateway. If these values are set too low, you might see occurrences of the error message AMQ5399 issued from client applications.

For more information about these server attributes, see the HP NonStop TS/MP 2.5 System Management Manual.

Configure the TMF/Gateway using environment variables

One of the most commonly used methods to define the TMF/Gateway is to set the MQSERVER environment variable, for example:
ENV MQSERVER=channel name/transport/host name(listener port)

ENV at the beginning of the command is Pathway notation.