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Use OTMA exits in IMS

Use this topic if you want to use IMS Open Transaction Manager Access exits with IBM MQ for z/OS®.

If you want to send output from an IMS transaction to IBM MQ, and that transaction did not originate in IBM MQ, you need to code one or more IMS OTMA exits.

Similarly if you want to send output to a non-OTMA destination, and the transaction did originate in IBM MQ, you also need to code one or more IMS OTMA exits.

The following exits are available in IMS to enable you to customize processing between IMS and IBM MQ:

OTMA exit names

You must name the pre-routing exit DFSYPRX0. We can name the DRU exit anything, as long as it does not conflict with a module name already in IMS.

A sample scenario for an OTMA exit

Use the following topics for an example of a pre-routing exit and a destination routing exit for IMS:

To simplify identification, make the OTMA destination name similar to the IBM MQ queue manager name, for example the IBM MQ queue manager name repeated. In this case, if the IBM MQ queue manager name is " VCPE ", the destination set by the CHNG call is " VCPEVCPE ".