We can stop a channel using MQSC commands or using the operations and control panels.
To stop a channel using the MQSC commands, use STOP CHANNEL.
Use the operations and control panels, starting from the initial panel, complete these fields and press enter:
7 (Stop)
Object type
channel type (for example SENDER) or CHANNEL
The disposition of the object.
The Stop a Channel panel is displayed. The text following the panel explains how to use the panel:Figure 1. Stopping a channel
Stop a Channel
Complete fields, then press Enter to stop channel.
Channel name . . . . . . . : CHANNEL.TO.USE
Channel type . . . . . . . : SENDER
Description . . . . . . . . : Description of CHANNEL.TO.USE
Disposition . . . . . . . . . P P=Private on MQ25
A=Shared on any queue manager
Stop mode . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. Quiesce 2. Force
Stop status . . . . . . . . . 1 1. Stopped 2. Inactive
Queue manager . . . . . . . . ________________________________________________
Connection name . . . . . . . ________________________________________________
Command ===> ________________________________________________________________
F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F9=SwapNext F10=Messages F12=Cancel
Select the disposition of the channel for which the stop is to be done and on which queue manager it is to be stopped.
Choose the stop mode that you require:
The channel stops when the current message is completed and the batch is then ended, even if the batch size value has not been reached and there are messages already waiting on the transmission queue. No new batches are started. This mode is the default.
The channel stops immediately. If a batch of messages is in progress, an 'in-doubt' situation can result.
Choose the queue manager and connection name for the channel you want to stop.
Choose the status that you require:
The channel is not restarted automatically, and must be restarted manually. This mode is the default if no queue manager or connection name is specified. If a name is specified, it is not allowed.
The channel is restarted automatically when required. This mode is the default if a queue manager or connection name is specified.
Note: If a shared channel is in a retry state and the channel initiator on which it was started is not running, a STOP request for the channel is issued on the queue manager where the command was entered.