Use the panels and the commands
We can use the MQSC commands, the PCF commands, or the operations and control panels to manage DQM.
For information about the syntax of the MQSC commands, see Script (MQSC) Commands. For information about PCF commands, see Introduction to Programmable Command Formats.
Use the initial panel
For an introduction to invoking the operations and control panels, using the function keys, and getting help, see Administer IBM MQ for z/OSĀ®.
Note: To use the operations and control panels, you must have the correct security authorization; see Administer IBM MQ for z/OS and sub topics for more information. Figure 1 shows the panel that is displayed when you start a panel session. The text after the panel explains the actions you perform in this panel. From this panel, we can:- Select the action you want to perform by typing in the appropriate number in the Action field.
- Specify the object type to work with. Press F4 for a list of object types if you are not sure what they are.
- Display a list of objects of the type specified. Type in an asterisk (*) in the Name field and press enter to display a list of objects (of the type specified) that have already been defined on this subsystem. We can then select one or more objects to work with in sequence. Figure 2 shows a list of channels produced in this way.
- Specify the disposition in the queue sharing group of the objects you want to work with in the Disposition field. The disposition determines where the object is kept and how the object behaves.
- Choose the local queue manager, or queue sharing group to which you want to connect in the Connect name field. If you want the commands to be issued on a remote queue manager, choose either the Target queue manager field or the Action queue manager field, depending upon whether the remote queue manager is not or is a member of a queue sharing group. If the remote queue manager is not a member of a queue sharing group, choose the Target queue manager field. If the remote queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group, choose the Action queue manager field.
- Choose the wait time for responses to be received in the Response wait time field.