Set up the Db2 environment
If you are using queue sharing groups you must create the required Db2® objects by customizing and running a number of sample jobs.
Set up the Db2 environment
You must create and bind the required Db2 objects by customizing and running a number of sample jobs.
- Repeat this task for each Db2 data-sharing group.
- You need to perform the bind and grant steps when migrating from a previous version.
- Omit this task if you are not using queue sharing groups.
If you later want to use queue sharing groups, perform this task at that time.
IBM MQ provides two equivalent sets of jobs. Those with the CSQ45 prefix are for compatibility with earlier versions of IBM MQ and for use with Db2 version 11 and earlier. If you are setting up a new data-sharing group with Db2 V12 or later, you are encouraged to use the jobs with CSQ4X prefix, as these jobs exploit more recent Db2 capabilities for dynamic sizing and Universal Table Spaces.
You must establish an environment in which IBM MQ can access and execute the Db2 plans that are used for queue sharing groups.
The following steps must be performed for each new Db2 data-sharing group. All the sample JCL is in thlqual.SCSQPROC.In the event of a failure during Db2 setup, the following jobs can be customized and executed:
- Customize and execute sample JCL CSQ45CSG (or CSQ4XCSG) to create the storage group that is to be used for the IBM MQ database, table spaces, and tables.
- Customize and execute sample JCL CSQ45CDB (or CSQ4XCDB) to create the database to be used by all queue managers that are connecting to this Db2 data-sharing group.
- Customize and execute sample JCL CSQ45CTS (or CSQ4XCTS) to create the table spaces that contain the queue manager and channel initiator tables used for queue-sharing groups (to be created in step 1 ).
- Customize and execute sample JCL CSQ45CTB (or CSQ4XCTB) to create the 12 Db2 tables and associated indexes. Do not change any of the row names or attributes.
- Customize and execute sample JCL CSQ45BPL to bind the Db2 plans for the queue manager, utilities, and channel initiator.
- Customize and execute sample JCL CSQ45GEX to grant execute authority to the plans for the user IDs that are used by the queue manager, utilities, and channel initiator. The user IDs for the queue manager and channel initiator are the user IDs under which their started task procedures run. The user IDs for the utilities are the user IDs under which the batch jobs can be submitted. The names of the appropriate plans are shown in the following table for the:
Long Term Support version in the LTS column.
Continuous Delivery version in the CD column, where n represents the CD release.
At each release, n increments by one. For example, at IBM MQ Version 9.0.3, CSQ5A90n is CSQ5A903.
User Plans (LTS) Plans (CD) Queue manager CSQ5A 900,
CSQ5C 900,
CSQ5D 900,
CSQ5K 900,
CSQ5L 900,
CSQ5M 900,
CSQ5P 900,
CSQ5R 900,
CSQ5S 900,
CSQ5T 900,
CSQ5U 900,
CSQ5W 900CSQ5A 90n,
CSQ5C 90n,
CSQ5D 90n,
CSQ5K 90n,
CSQ5L 90n,
CSQ5M 90n,
CSQ5P 90n,
CSQ5R 90n,
CSQ5S 90n,
CSQ5T 90n,
CSQ5U 90n,
CSQ5W 90nSDEFS function of the CSQUTIL batch utility CSQ52 900 CSQ52 90n CSQ5PQSG and CSQJUCNV batch utilities CSQ5B 900 CSQ5B 90n CSQUZAP service utility CSQ5Z 900 CSQ5Z 90n Note: If these jobs fail because of a Db2 locking problem it is probably due to contention for a Db2 resource, especially if the system is being heavily used. Resubmit the jobs later. It is preferable to run these jobs when the system is lightly used or quiesced.
- CSQ45DTB to drop the tables and indexes.
- CSQ45DTS (or CSQ4XDTS) to drop the table spaces.
- CSQ45DDB (or CSQ4XDDB) to drop the database.
- CSQ45DSG (or CSQ4XDSG) to drop the storage group.
See Db2 Administration in Db2 for z/OS 11.0.0 for more information about setting up Db2.
See Db2 Administration in Db2 for z/OS 12.0.0 for more information about setting up Db2.
See Plan on z/OS® for information about Db2 table sizes.