IBM MQ configuration file, mqs.ini
The IBM MQ configuration file, mqs.ini, contains information relevant to all the queue managers on the node. It is created automatically during installation.
Directory locations
On UNIX and Linux , the data directory and log directory are always /var/mqm and /var/mqm/log respectively.
On Windows systems, the location of the data directory mqs.ini, and the location of the log directory, are stored in the registry, as their location can vary. The installation configuration information, which is contained in mqinst.ini on UNIX and Linux systems, is also in the registry, as there is no mqinst.ini file on Windows (see Installation configuration file, mqinst.ini).
The mqs.ini file for Windows systems is given by the WorkPath specified in the HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere MQ key. It contains:
- The names of the queue managers
- The name of the default queue manager
- The location of the files associated with each of them
LogDefaults stanza for a new installation
The supplied LogDefaults stanza for a new IBM MQ installation does not contain any explicit values for the attributes. The lack of an attribute means that the default for this value is used upon creation of a new queue manager. The default values are shown for the LogDefaults stanza in Figure 1. A value of zero for the LogBufferPages attribute means 512.
If you require a non-default value, you must explicitly specify that value in the LogDefaults stanza.
Example mqs.ini file