Use the CRTMQMCHL command to define a channel of transport type *LU62.
Use of the CSI object is optional in IBM MQ for IBM i V5.3
or later.
The initiating end panel is shown in Figure LU 6.2 communication
setup panel - initiating end. To obtain the complete panel as shown, press F10 from the first
Figure 1. LU 6.2 communication setup panel - initiating end
Give this definition a name that is used to store the side information object to be created, for
example, WINSDOA1. Note: For LU 6.2, the link between the message channel definition and the
communication connection is the Connection name field of the message channel definition at
the sending end. This field contains the name of the CSI object.
The name of the library where this definition is stored.
The CSI object must be available in
a library accessible to the program serving the message channel, for example, QSYS, QMQM, and QGPL.
If the name is incorrect, missing, or cannot be found then an error occurs on channel startup.
Remote location
Specifies the remote location name with which your program communicates.
In short, this
required parameter contains the logical unit name of the partner at the remote system, as defined in
the device description that is used for the communication link between the two systems.
The Remote location name can be found by issuing the command DSPNETA on the remote system
and seeing the default local location name.
Transaction program
Specifies the name (up to 64 characters) of the transaction program on the remote system to be
started. It can be a transaction process name, a program name, the channel name, or a character
string that matches the Compare value in the routing entry.
This parameter is required.
Note: To specify SNA service transaction program names, enter the hexadecimal representation of the
service transaction program name. For example, to specify a service transaction program name with a
hexadecimal representation of 21F0F0F1, you would enter X'21F0F0F1'.
More information about SNA service transaction program names is in the SNA Transaction
Programmer's Reference manual for LU Type 6.2.
If the receiving end is another IBM i system, the
Transaction program name is used to match the CSI object at the sending end with the routing
entry at the receiving end. This name must be unique for each queue manager on the target IBM i system. See the Program to call parameter under
Initiated end (Receiver). See also the Comparison data: compare
value parameter in the Add Routing Entry panel.
Text description
A description (up to 50 characters) to remind you of the intended use of this connection.
Specifies the name of the device description used for the remote system. The possible values are:
The device is determined by the system.
Specify the name of the device that is associated with the remote location.
Local location
Specifies the local location name. The possible values are:
The local location name is determined by the system.
The LCLLOCNAME value specified in the system network attributes is used.
Specify the name of your location. Specify the local location if you want to indicate a specific
location name for the remote location. The location name can be found by using the DSPNETA command.
Specifies the mode used to control the session. This name is the same as the Common Programming
Interface (CPI)- Communications Mode_Name. The possible values are:
The mode in the network attributes is used.
Eight blank characters are used.
Specify a mode name for the remote location.
Note: Because the mode determines the transmission priority of the communications session, it might
be useful to define different modes depending on the priority of the messages being sent; for
example MQMODE_HI, MQMODE_MED, and MQMODE_LOW. (We can have more than one CSI pointing to the same
Remote network identifier
Specifies the remote network identifier used with the remote location. The possible values are:
The remote network ID for the remote location is used.
The remote network identifier specified in the network attributes is used.
The remote network has no name.
Specify a remote network ID. Use the DSPNETA command at the remote location to find the name of
this network ID. It is the 'local network ID' at the remote location.
Specifies the authority you are giving to users who do not have specific authority to the
object, who are not on an authorization list, and with a group profile that has no specific
authority to the object. The possible values are:
Public authority for the object is taken from the CRTAUT parameter of the specified library.
This value is determined at create time. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the
object is created, the new value does not affect existing objects.
Change authority allows the user to perform basic functions on the object, however, the user
cannot change the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data
The user can perform all operations except those operations limited to the owner or controlled
by authorization list management authority. The user can control the existence of the object and
specify the security for the object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object.
The user can change ownership of the object.
Use authority provides object operational authority and read authority.
Exclude authority prevents the user from accessing the object.
Specify the name of the authorization list with authority that is used for the side information.